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Garden Hedges Types Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
A garden hedge is not only a good borderbetween yourself and a neighbour but can also offer many otherbenefits. These benefits include, amongst others, being a good homefor local wildlife, offering better shelter than a solid barrier,and being a good deterrent against intrusion. Choosing the wrongtype of garden hedge can bring many problems so it's important toknow how to choose the best hedge for your requirements.Benefits of Garden HedgesA garden hedge primarily serves as a boundary between the gardenand other landIt can act as an excellent filter keeping dust and other materialsaway from your gardenA hedge serves as an effective method of reducing windstrengthIt can provide an attractive visual screen helping to ensureprivacyIt can serve as a god home for local wildlifeA garden hedge is much more resilient to damage from the elementsthan a solid barrierIt can cost significantly less than a man made fenceMuch more durable than a fence, the hedge can literally last formany decadesChoosing Your Garden HedgeOnce you have decided that a hedge is an ideal solution for youit's time to decide what type of hedge you want. There are manythings to consider at this stage:What is the purpose of the hedge?How much maintenance do you want to do?How quickly do you want the hedge to act as a barrier?Are your neighbours in agreement about the installation of thehedge?Once you can answer these questions you're ready to make adecision. Some of the factors that can influence your answers tothe above include how quickly the hedge grows. This affects notonly the length of time the hedge requires to become establishedbut also how often it will need to be trimmed. A fast growing hedgemay quickly establish an effective barrier but will also requiremore maintenance.Another factor is how big the hedge will grow. If you are lookingfor a small barrier between you and a neighbour then a hedge thatgrows to around 6ft as a maximum will provide an effective screen,if the hedge can grow much taller than this it may block out lightto either yours or your neightbours garden. Also bear in mind thatthe bigger the hedge the bigger the root system which can drainmoisture from the surrounding soil.Finally consider whether the hedge you choose produces flowers. Ifit does then it can add beautiful color throughout the year howeverthis has the downside that as the flowers die the petals will dropto the floor which can then require you to clean them up.Maintaining Your Garden HedgeOnce you have planted your garden hedge and allowed it to establishitself you will occasionally need to carry out routine maintenancework. This involves cutting or trimming the hedge which ensures theedges remain neat and also encourages internal growth to thickenthe hedge. You may also need to clear away any rubbish caught inthe hedge and deweed the soil area, although this is not alwaysnecessary as with some hedges other plants and weeds will notgrow.When deciding what to have in your garden you will have many thingsto decide on including the plants, trees and borders. One way tomake your garden look great is with a garden hedge they will notonly bring character to your garden but can give you the privacythat you require. Hedges are also a great way to offer shelter toanimals and wildlife and help to keep people out off your garden.You will need to ensure that you plant the right type of hedge asthe wrong style and type can cause you problems.Once you decide on the main purpose for your hedge then you candecide what the best way to plant it is and what plants will be thebest. You have to decide how much maintenance you want to put intothe hedge and how often you will want to have to trim and tend it.If your hedge is to act as a barrier and boundary then you willneed to think about how quickly you want it to grow.
Garden Hammock Chair Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
With the return of summers, hammock chairscome back into fashion to enjoy a pleasant night in your garden orspend a holiday tanning yourself in the sun. Hammock chairs areswing type chairs made of nylon, parachute nylon or any otherfabric that's durable. They are resistant, long lasting and greatfor outdoor living. There are tons of different types of hammockchairs available at Amazon, some of which are described here:Cotton hammock chairThe cotton hammock chair at Amazon.com is one of the mostaffordable and comfortable options available. Don't let its cheapprice deceive you because this one's actually too good for itsprice. It comes in a super quality and will soon become yourfavorite chair outdoors.The cotton chair is easy to carry around in case you plan to takeit with you on a picnic or an outing. This cotton chair isparticularly a favorite of kids, who love to sit on it and swing itso if you are ordering it for your children, make sure you ordermore than one to avoid them fighting over it. Yes, it's that good!However, it allows a maximum limit of 200 lbs so keep that in mindwhile purchasing it.Urban Balance Cove Outdoor Hanging ChairThe Urban Balance Cove hanging chair is one of the best hammockchairs you will find on the net. It's more resistible, stylish,high quality and provides optimal comfort; however, it comes with aprice tag which might tick you off. This chair is exceptionalbecause it comes with all the proper equipment needed to fix it andfive pillows for extra comfort. Urban balance cove chair holds upto 300 pounds of weight, which proves it's quite strong and is 42inches wide! This chair can bear any sort of weather because it ismade from epoxy coated aluminum frames. It definitely is the bestsitting option to relax in your garden on a Sunday afternoon.Barbados Hammock Single RainbowBarbados hammock is a large sized single chair, which allows you tolie down and relax without any worry as it can hold up to 330pounds. Made from soft breathable cotton, it is one must havehammock that you will absolutely adore. It's available in brighteye catching colors which compliment the overall look of yourgarden and to think of it, it's not very expensive either. Thecomfort that it provides is beyond words. It's perfect for one andcozy for two and has no reasons why you wouldn't want to purchaseit.Natural Hammock ChairNatural hammock chairs can be used in offices, terraces, gardens orpractically anywhere though they are preferred out in the openalthough it has a beautiful design which looks equally goodindoors. The natural feel is ultra relaxing and can be expandedfrom head to toe up to 7 feet for extra comfort. It comes withenhanced back support so that you can sit on it for hours withouthurting your back or feeling uneasy. The best thing about it is,it's easy to set up and can be taken along anywhere even if you'regoing camping or hiking.The Hanging Hammock Chair is the latest outdoor craze! A descendantof the traditional rope hammock but the chair provides uprightcradling comfort. While no one can argue with the rejuvenatingbenefits of a backyard nap in a hammock, hammock chairs bring adifferent level of comfort to the table. As mentioned, hammocks aregreat for napping or day dreaming, but what about having aconversation, reading a book or sitting around a camp fire? It ismuch easier to enjoy these activities sitting upright. Take thecomfort and relaxation of a hammock and add the function of a patiochair or chaise lounge.All of this is great, but where do you hang a hammock chair? Whilea hammock requires 2 trees or fixed points to utilize, chairs onlyrequire 1 overhead hanging point. This is ideal for anyone withouta big backyard or mature trees. Most chairs will work with a deckjoist or one of the stylish and functional stands that have beenintroduced over the past few years.
Garden Seats Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Unique is the word that springs to mind withthis combination of a three seater garden seat that converts inseconds to a two seater and a small table in between the twoseats.This wonderful piece of outdoor furniture looks fantastic on thepatio and its versatility will be a constant talking point.It is the middle section that makes this seat unique. The tiltingmechanism is remarkably simple and yet will amaze and baffle yourfriends and neighbors. The transfer from seat to table takes all ofabout 3 seconds with ultimate ease.The garden seat table is available as a set of "Do it Yourself"plans. The plans are simple and easy to follow and have loads ofdiagrams and photos. You certainly don't need to be a professionalbuilder to achieve a finished product of which you can be veryproud. It can be done in your own garage with your own tools in aneasily in a weekend.The lumber needs to be something that fits into your deck orgarden. Redwood or Cedar do look great however most will be usingpine and if so it does need treating for outside use. There areonly two sizes of lumber required, 2*3 gauged for the legs, seatsupports and frame. You will need 42 feet of this. And you willrequire 1*3 for the slats another 62 feet of this. A pencil edgefinish will give it a much nicer look.Gardens are a great place to spend time and relax while poring overa book or sipping a hot cup of coffee. While this is a naturalexpectation of gardens, gardens can also be decorated in such a waythat they retain their natural beauty. To achieve the desiredresults, there is a variety of garden furniture available rangingfrom comfortable chairs to natural looking stone benches.TypesWhen choosing a garden seat companion, think of the situations forwhich you are buying them for. Are you planning to have a pair ofcompanion seats for your romantic partner or is it a place toinvite all your friends from the office for a weekend and games anddrinks. So base your purchase decisions on the purpose of theseat.Folding chairs make for the best garden seats whether you arelooking to hang out with your friends or your loved one. They comein two variants - the hard foldable chairs and the second beingcombinational folding chairs. They come in a wide variety ofcolours so that you can have a pick that will go the décor that isrunning in your garden. To complete the set of great lookingfolding chairs, add a foldable table into the mix. If you areplanning on using this for parties as well, then adding a foodsmoker is not a bad idea.Teak Garden SeatsWhen it comes to furniture, they are made out of a variety of rawmaterials. You will find companion seats made of teak wood,plastic, metal and vinyl. Each of these raw materials has its ownbenefit. For example plastic furniture tends to be light and easyto maintain whereas metal ones have low maintenance. However, webelieve that teak wood makes for the best furniture material,though it can be a little expensive at times. Teak wood containsnatural oils which makes it the survivor even in extreme weatherconditions like rain and strong wind. This being the case, you canexpect your investment in teak garden companion seats to last along time.Other Type Of Garden SeatsIf for whatever reason you do not wish to go with Teak garden seatsand tables, the next option to consider would be plastic furniture.As discussed earlier plastic furniture can withstand extremetemperatures. Also, plastic furniture is less expensive and lastlonger while coming in a variety of colors which will surelybrighten up your garden in ways no other furniture can.
Garden Stone Tiles Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
If you look for an easy to use tiling methodtry Garden Stone Tiles remodeling - it provides an easy coatingtechnique that enables you to virtually decorate any surface athome. The fact that these are nature-made panels open up countlessremolding opportunities to match any interior/exterior decor. Learnabout the latest tiling techniques and how they are about to changethe way you decorate and remodel your home's interior andexterior.OverviewGarden Stone Tiles redecoration is actually based on a collectionof seamless beach-stones glued over supportive mesh backing thateventually creates a seamless tile. The island of Bali - Indonesiais considered as the main source of these 'Nature-Made' stonetiles. They are so versatile, enabling you to remodel anywhere:Bathroom flooring and wall coating (including showers), kitchensurfaces such as countertops & backsplashes, patios, pools andeven fireplaces.BenefitsSuch simple solution brings several clear benefits:* Can be used for dry surfaces as well as wet surfaces such asshower flooring or as a sink backsplash.* Provides natural and luxurious look and feel to any coatedsurface.* Quick & easy installation that doesn't require any specialskills or professional background.Useful advices!* Most recommended grout is sanded grout - it is suitable for bothinternal and external use.* If this is the first time you install these tiles, it isrecommended to learn from other's experience - there are plenty offorums and demonstrational videos on the internet where you canfind useful information about first time installation.* If you want to enhance the color of the stones transforming itglossy or matte finish, use natural stone color enhancer rightbefore applying the sealer.We could count other important advantages provided by this quickredesigning option simply because once you explore and understandhow it works, you quickly find endless redesigning opportunitiesthat could fit any space at home.Bottom lineIf you wonder why this Garden Stone Tiles technique is highlypopular it's because it offers countless options, as these'Nature-Made' panels come in many shapes and colors that easilymatch the decor of any home or office setting. As mentioned earlierinstallation is quite easy, however, it is advised to keep in mindthe following advices just as you are ready to begin withinstallation.Looking for a quick option that'll enable you to easily transformany surface luxurious? Try Garden Stones And Pebbles Tilesremodeling. The most incredible thing about these natural panels isthat no matter what you do, the result is almost always pleasantand appealing. Want to learn more about how to transform your homecontemporary and luxurious? Read the following review.IntroductionTo make a long story short: Garden Stones And Pebbles Tilesredecoration is based on unified smooth stones glued onto a 12" x12" mesh back. The source of these stones varies as we may findthem along rivers and beaches; however the most popular ones areoriginated from S.E Asia. You can practically tile anywhere and forany purpose: 1) Kitchens 2) Bathrooms 3) Floors and Walls 4) Patioflooring 5) Countertops etc.BenefitsWhen we examine the advantages and benefits provided by thistechnique, we find the following:* Durable to any extreme temperatures such as around fireplaces andstoves for example.* Their surfaces are flush and in fact, are safer to walk on thanmost conventional hard flooring as they offer more traction toprevent slipping.* Can be used for dry surfaces as well as wet surfaces such asshower flooring or as a sink backsplash.Practical tips & advices!* To appreciate the beauty of these 'Nature-Made' panels, it isrecommended on removing the excess grout with a wet sponge. Afterall, you want to expose as much of the stones as possible.
Garden Bushes Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
When you enumerate the different herb bushesyou could actually go on and on. Herbs have different classes toconsider. There are actually herbs for all occasions and allweather types. Or if you choose to grow these herb bushes rightinside your own houses or lawns. If you would opt to reallyfamiliarize yourself with these classes of herb bushes you canstudy about through the web or research in books. Now for a briefexplanation, this article will surely orient you of the manyclasses of herbs and their functions.First on our list of herbs are the Biennials with leaves for thefirst growing season and then would flower for the second season,yet eventually die on the next. Some of these biennials are theangelica, or caraway and parsley that should be shown eventuallydirect in your garden during late spring. Next stop would be theAnnuals, that wouldn't cope during the winter season, like thebasils, summer savory, and cilantro. Plant these near smallerplants or even near a new seed you've just planted, which in turnwould make it grow every year. For the third item, the Perennialswould be in contrast to the Annuals, preferring wintry seasons togrow instead of growing during summer or autumn. These herbs arethe wintry savory and sage. Now, to start with planting theseherbs, prepare your soil, this should consist a mix of sand so yourherbs would spread equally. You can even cover your herb busheswith burlap that's wet to keep the soil moist in the process ofgermination.Now, since you're ready, the classes of herbs are grouped as such,aromatic, medicinal, culinary and even the ornamental ones. Let'sstart with aromatic herbs that often termed to heal the mind andbody through their aroma. These herb bushes are flowers or even thefoliage of trees or plants. Derive from their natural oils, mint,rosemary and loyage makes up classes of perfumes like the variousscents of toilet water and many more. The famous potpourri can becreated through drying these herbs which are lemon verbena andlavender. Next is the medicinal use of these herbs that curesillnesses of different degrees just incorporating to medicines oreven simply boiling them naturally and drank or sometimes it couldalso cure wounds. The main thing is that you need to make sure youhave proper knowledge of what herbs would heal a certain kind ofillness and which are dangerous ones to use, this to avoid sideeffects. Moving forward, we have culinary herbs, often known tohave strong flavors like the sage, savory, basil, chives, thyme andmarjoram. These classes of herbs would only require you use them insmall amounts and depending on the food that you are cooking.Usually that famous garnish that we use that's one of these herbsis the parsley.Lastly, since we have some herbs that help us with their smell,taste and heal our body of illnesses or wounds, we have herbs thatsimply adorn our surroundings. These ornamental herbs that arerefreshing to look at are colorful flowers with bright foliages andothers having whitish hues plus valerian crimson, blossoms and blueflowers. Aside from that many herbs multi-purpose like the mint forcooking, tea and control of bugs. It only depends on you what touse.Growing roses isn't nearly as hard as most people think it is, butit does require a certain level of knowledge and a green thumb togrow beautiful roses. Here is information that will help you toplant the perfect rose bush, in the perfect way, so that you, yourfamily, and your neighbors can enjoy beautiful roses in yourperfect rose garden for many years to come.When you purchase a rose bush, you will notice that the roots ofthe bush are wrapped in moss. Moss usually has a very cool feel toit, and this is important for the survival of your rose bush. Themoss should continue to cover the roots until you are ready toplant the bush in your garden.
Industrial Steel Door Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
There are plenty of different types of doorsthat are available on the market but not quite compare to steeldoors as far as security and safety is concerned. Many entry waydoors are made of hollow cast aluminum. This is a strong door butdefinitely not as strong and sturdy as steel doors.Most commercial operations use these type of doors for their entryways, as do schools and hospitals. They are favored because theyare durable and very secure. They are almost impossible to kick inor smash through. They are unusually fire proof as well.Most people think of these doors and do not thing that they can bemade to be ornate or attractive enough for home use, well that isjust a myth. They can be very attractive and ornate and well suitedfor use on a home.Double DoorsA great entry way option is double doors, this allow for a sweepingentranceway option. This is an especially nice choice if you have alarge foyer entranceway. Using steel doors in this application isperfect. There are plenty of styles to choose from and steel doorswill give you the added security that you and your family deserve.You can go as detailed or as simple as you like.Right now the big in look is industrial. An industrial look uses alot of metal and distressed materials. The perfect entry way can betwo double doors made of steel that has been treated to have acertain worn look to it.Simple Single Entry DoorYou can go with a very simple single entry door, steel doors arestill the perfect option for even the simplest of entry doors. Youcan use one of the powder coated models that is painted to matchthe exterior of your home or the shutters on your home. This is agreat security option that is also fireproof.InstallingInstalling steel doors is definitely going to be a two man job. Thedoors are heavy so you will need one person to lift the door whilethe hinges are screwed into place, other than that it is a typicaldoor install.Of course experience always help when you are doing a DYI projectof this nature, but what you lack in experience if you are willingto jump online and get a little direction you will make up for withknowledge.The install should not take more than a couple of hours, probablymuch less if you have done this type of work before.Steel doors can be used for home applications and really are agreat way to add another level of security to your home.When a passageway requires utmost security, there's no doubt forhaving a combination of steel doors and steel frames. The steelcombo provides maximum strength and durability, not to mentionresistance against the elements. Aside from strength, steelfeatures incredible visual qualities, which further enhances theappeal of a structure or building. Whilst there are otheralternatives for securing openings and passages, steel is somethingthat can't be beat in a number of aspects.Steel Gateways in ActionBoth frames and doors form a complete passageway system - entrance,exit or both. The system is designed to meet specific requirementsas in the case of industrial, commercial or residentialapplications of steel shutters, steel doors, and the like. It's notnew to see steel gates, shutters and doors securing many businessand office establishments. Even residential garages are almostalways making use of steel for its doors.Steel's Great AdvantagesDoors and frames may be made in variable materials, including wood,aluminium and glass for doors. However, steel is particularly indemand due to its strength and durability. Where safety of propertyand life are topmost priority, users need not be indecisive aboutsteel for the doors and frames. Steel's high level of rigidity,versatility, and cost-effectiveness makes it a truly practicaloption for securing entrances, exits and other openings.
Garden Water Fountains Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Outdoor garden water fountains are the perfectcomplement to any garden no matter what style. They can be boughtor made in several different designs, and from several differentmaterials. The outdoor fountains are extremely relaxing, and canhelp to make the whole garden a calming place to entertain. Thedesign of water fountain that is chosen will depend on the budgetand the style of the overall garden. From the thousands ofdifferent sizes, shapes and materials available, there will alwaysbe one that is suitable.There are various different types of outdoor garden water fountainsthat can be placed in the garden. They can be free standing, wallmounted or floor standing, all of which are great and lookfantastic in the right environment. Rock outdoor fountains are verypopular and can be placed against a wall in the garden to get adramatic effect. The water will cascade down the rocks into a poolor bowl below, before returning, and starting the process again.The same effect can be created easily with tiered bowls, this styleof outdoor fountains look fantastic in the middle of a garden orcourt yard.The materials that are used for outdoor garden water fountains arevery basic but effective. Wood, stone, ceramic and fiberglass areall very popular. Although copper is used as well it is not as easyto assemble or maintain as other materials. Rock and ceramicoutdoor garden water fountains are great; however they can be veryheavy. If the fountain will need to be moved at some point thiswill need to be considered. Fiberglass alternatives look great, andoften people cannot tell they are not the real thing. However, theycan be moved with ease, and stored if necessary.Although fiberglass outdoor fountains look great in the beginning,they do tend to fade after time, and can chip easily. They arecheaper than other alternatives so can be replaced more often thanothers. If the budget is higher, and the outdoor garden waterfountains are to be a permanent fixture, stone and rock is betterto have. Lights look excellent in the outdoor fountains,illuminating the water as the sun goes down. These will also add anextra touch to the fountain, also enabling the guests to have lightwhilst relaxing and partying. Although these lights look great theyhave to be the correct lighting for water use, if in any doubt askprofessional advice.Maintenance of the outdoor garden water fountains is veryimportant, if the area is prone to freezing the fountain will needto be drained, and covered to ensure it is kept at its best. Thereare several different fountain covers especially designed for thesize and shape. Although outdoor garden water fountains are oftenthought to only be suited to mansions and large gardens. If thecorrect outdoor fountains are used they can make any garden lookamazing. After a long day there is nothing better than enjoyingtime in the garden with friends and family. Water is very relaxingand the noise from the fountain is perfect to help set theatmosphere.If you have a beautiful garden or yard, chances are that you wantto accentuate it, decorate it as well as you can, and show it offto your friends and family. Once you have come to this point, youmay have started to consider an outdoor wall fountain - or morethan one - to complete the garden and add that perfect atmosphereof serenity to the space. If you create the perfect garden foryourself, completed with wall mounted water fountains of the bestdesign, you will enjoy spending time in your own private outdoorspace more than ever. Nothing can be so relaxing and joyous as timein nature, whether it is crafted by the elements or you and yourimagination.There are a few different design styles available to you when itcomes to garden water fountains, so a bit of thought and time isnecessary before making a final decision as to which piece orpieces will grace your own personal outdoors.
Garden Sculpture Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Garden sculptures have the power to transformany ordinary appearing garden into a beautiful and elegant one.There are quite a number of sculptures that can be used asembellishments to accentuate the beauty of a garden.Choosing an Appropriate SculptureIn order to decorate your garden, you need to choose appropriategarden sculptures from a huge variety. There are many factors todecide before you choose a sculpture. Deciding the location of thesculpture is one among them. Some people love to have statues oflions and elephants at the entrance while others choose to haveattractive fountains in the middle of their gardens.As there are a number of varieties of garden sculptures listed inthe online stores, it is quite easy to decide the theme of yourgarden and choose an appropriate sculpture. Stainless steel statuesare also available in different designs and shapes. The sculptureof a roaring lion amidst bushes portrays elegance androyalty.The natural beauty of a garden can be emphasized with garden animalsculptures like carved alligator sculptures which appear authentic.Such animal statues add a unique and distinctive appearance to yourgarden. The trend of decorating gardens with sculptures dates backto the early Roman days. Palaces and temples are adorned withsculptures to add to the beauty of the surroundings.Garden sculptures are made of different materials like stone,glass, fiber and so forth. Stone sculptures include marble, graniteand other materials. These sculptures are carved into differentattractive shapes and chiseled to perfection. They form veryattractive shapes and are apt in adorning any garden.Stone sculptures are more widely used in gardens as it is weatherresistant and lasts longer compared to the concrete and cementsculptures. Resin garden sculptures are expensive as well aspopular as it appears exquisite as well as sustains climaticconditions. Figurative fountain sculptures are also used in gardensas they add an artistic touch to the gardens. Most of thesesculptures can be customized according to the requirements ofindividuals.Handcrafted bronze statues have been among the favorite gardensculptures since centuries in India. These statues are stillpopular and widely used to amplify the appearance of gardens eventoday. Statues of gods and goddess in bronze adorn the gardens ofmany homes. Single large pieces of rocks are carved into statues toform beautiful sculptures.Fiberglass sculptures with its unmatchable beauty are also used ingardens these days. Duck sculptures made of aluminium is anotherattractive variety available in different sizes and shapes. Stoneartifacts are also used in patios, gardens and courtyards. Allthese sculptures can be purchased through online business portalsat quite affordable rates.Decorative statues made of marble are also used as gardensculptures based on various themes. Intricate works done in stoneinclude carvings of beautiful Hindu deities are also very popularamong sculptures used in gardens. Garden sculptures may beexpensive but they are well worth the price for the beauty theybestow on your garden, making it a heavenly place to be in.In the ancient world, the most common garden forms were thehousehold gardens of nobles and the holy gardens associated with aplace of worship. Sculpture of divines and kings were positioned inthe compounds of places of worship. The Romans transported a largenumber of statues to Italy and placed them in gardens fordecorative purposes. As the Roman Empire underwent a transformationand initiated Christian beliefs, these statues were regarded asnon-religious, and removed. However, during the renaissance, thesesame statues were exhumed and placed once again in gardens.Sculpture became a acknowledged as art and gardens have always beena favored setting for exhibiting outdoor works of art.
Garden Trees Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Garden Trees - How To Plant ThemTrees can make or break a garden design. Too many of them, orunsuitable kinds, can rob the garden of light and the soil of foodand moisture, making it impossible to grow anything else very well.A few well placed trees that are well chosen can give a gardendistinction and provide a welcome summer shaded area. Large trees,such as oak, poplar, beech, willow, cedar, pine and fir, shouldonly be chosen for larger gardens. You can, however, find some ofthese in a form that will be acceptable in a smaller garden. Onesuch example would be the Tulip Tree.Conifers, of which cypress, cedar, juniper, fir, and pine arefamiliar examples. Conifers will have narrow leaves, and sometimeseven needle-like leaves. The majority of this type, but not all,are evergreen. There are not many other types of evergreen trees.For this reason, they do play a special part in the over all lookof the garden. Many of these are conical in habit, and contrastgreatly to the more rounded shapes of broad-leaved trees. Thoughnaturally green leaved, some conifers produce varieties with leavesof different colors, usually a blue gray or golden color. Oncetrees are planted, they are likely to remain for a great manyyears.Getting Ready to PlantIt is very important for the hole to be wide enough and deep enoughto give roots the space they need to grow to maturity with ease. Ialways recommend filling the hole first with water, and thenallowing the water to soak back into the soil before planting. Donot put the roots down into a pool of water because you do not knowhow long it will take for the water to soak back into the ground.By doing this you will know that the roots will make contact withmoist soil. Once the hole is prepared and you place the tree whereyou want it, check the to make sure the depth is correct. A goodcheck would be to see if the soil mark on the trunk is at least oneinch below the soil level. Once this is done, firm the soil downaround the roots using your foot or the end of your shovel. If yourtree is small, you will need to put a few stakes around theperimeter of the tree and tie the main stem securely to the stakes.This will help your tree grow straight, as well as preventingoverturning or lending due to strong winds.Trees should have a cultivated circle of at least 4 feet indiameter around them for the first few years. A good feeding isrecommended for young trees each spring. When applying fertilizer,be sure to read the directions for the particular product you areusing as many will vary. Over fertilizing and over watering aresome of the main causes of disappointment when growing trees, andis the case with most plants.It is very important to choose the right sized tree for your gardenspace. Always check the information tag, that usually accompaniesyour tree, to get the specifics on how to plant and care for yourtree. Before buying, make sure you know its height and spreadinghabits when the tree reaches maturity. Planting a tulip tree closeto a canopy gazebo, or a canvas gazebo will help make a beautifulfocal point in your garden.The perfect tree chosen for your garden acts as the focal pointthat brings it all together. It will be something that bringsnon-stop joy and beauty.Garden trees are especially important for this reason. You willwant to choose a tree that compliments the garden. Things toconsider will include the shape, the type of blossoms and the colorof the leaves in autumn.Not to be forgotten is the size. Make sure there is room enough forthe tree to grow. Of course it can be pruned, but even then thegrowth patterns should be something you are aware of. Before youbuy any tree, check to see what height it grows to. Figure that youcan keep the tree to 50% of this height by pruning. Also rememberthat it will take many years for a tree to reach near its fullheight.
Commercial Exterior Door 1.0
Spirit Siphon
Commercial entry doors are generallyverystrong, heavy and of good height to offer a higher levelofsecurity in commercial areas. There are several types,namelybullet resistant doors, aluminum and glass, wooden,insulated,impact, etc.A steel entryway is not only cheap but can also withstandwearand tear while keeping buildings safe for many years. If safetyandprotection is a main concern for you and you business, then thisisthe way to go. These structures are usually used inindustrialbuildings, schools and storage spaces such as go-downs,since theyare resistant to extreme temperatures and rain.Many, such as hollow metal doors offer a greater levelofinsulation and do not shrink or rot like wooden ones.Bulletresistant entryways are most suitable for police andmilitaryorganizations. Sound transmission can be blocked inhospitals andclinics by installing hollow metal commercial exteriordoors withsound proof cores.You can choose commercial wooden doors if your space doesnotrequire maximum security. These are available in a wide rangeofstyles, shapes and colors. Wooden doors can enhance the lookofyour commercial space and last for a lifetime. If you areoperatingwithin a limited budget, then you can choose commercialtimbermaterial.These are also available in a range of designs and colorsthesedays. These can be customized according to your specificationsandare suitable for electrical operation. In fact, today, anentrancecan be customized to control or guard against severalthings suchas air, sound, fire, bullets and theft.You should keep in mind the following factors when choosingthebest entry door service provider for your commercialbuilding:Choice of material and designExperienced installationAvailability of custom designsMinimum disruption to the work environmentAfter you choose a particular design, you can install theityourself or you can pay a professional to insurefaultlessinstallation. A building's door not only provides securitybut alsogives visitors their first impression about a business somake sureyou select the best entryway for your building.So now that you have all the details about the typesofcommercial entry doors for your building, find the best oneforyour place of business. These days, there is a huge varietyofentry doors for commercial buildings and finding the right onewillnot be a difficult task. You can choose the entryway based onyourexact needs, specifications and budget.After investing in beautiful wood exterior doors, anyproudhomeowner is going to want to keep them looking their best. Inanycity, exterior doors can easily gather grime and dirt.However,with a little know-how and some elbow grease you can haveyourslooking great again in no time.A fresh looking front door will liven up your house and helpitstand out on your street. You'll feel good as you enter yourhomethrough a clean portal, and it will give your guests a nicefirstimpression too.Cleaning your doors is not difficult, but you may need afewdifferent cleaning products depending on the type of dooryouhave.Starting with some of the supplies you'll need and explaininghowto prepare and clean them from top to bottom, this is how tokeepyour wood exterior doors looking their best.Gather Your Cleaning SuppliesThe first task is to take a look at the type of door you haveandthe amount of dirt and grime you need to get rid of. For boththepreparation and the cleaning, you may only need some of thesupplieshere. For certain types of door, or depending on the taskin hand,you may need them all.To prepare your door for cleaning, any of the followingequipmentmay be required: a vacuum with a hose and brushattachment, papertowels or soft rags, a feather duster, a smallartist's paintbrush,a step-ladder, and a broom.
Garden Loungers Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
There is a wide variety of garden loungersavailable to purchase for all of your comfort needs. You can enjoyeach season outside in your yard in relaxation. The type that youpurchase will depend on where you want to put these loungers. Ifyou are looking for one by the pool, you may want to consider onethat folds back for maximum sun bathing. The type of material yourlounger has will also depend on where you plan to put them in youryard.You probably have seen some of these in magazines and saw just howbeautiful they really can be. You will also find these many timesat vacation resorts around their pool or deck areas for yourcomfort. Wicker, plastic and bamboo are the least expensive type ofmaterial that you can buy. There are different ways to spice up thelook of a lounger with such things as flashy accessories or castiron benches. Cushions and pillows really help to add style to anydecor along with making them much more comfortable.The most popular design is a lounger that is able to lay completelyflat. This type is great for sunbathing or if you need more roomfor people to sit down when entertaining. A new trendy style isadding a canopy or umbrella to a lounger to help protect you fromthe sun. These keep you feeling cool along with allowing you toread a nice book in the shade.The Meadow Decor Paragon Outdoor Chaise Lounge is a very trendylounger available on the market today. It is made of aluminum castiron, so it is very durable. The price of these usually run between$700 to $850. If you are looking for something a little cheaper,the Pagoda Sardinia Textilene Folding Lounger is a great choice.This one is made of light weight aluminum and has a verycomfortable fabric. The price of this lounger is approximately$100.The most expensive type of garden furniture is a teak steamer. Onereason teak is the most expensive is that it has a pest repellentinside of the wood to keep bugs away. The wood is also verydurable, strong and is able to withstand harsh weather conditions.Most people do not want to have to be bothered by bringing theirfurniture in during the colder months or when it rains. This is agreat option since teak is very versatile. They also come withwheels on the bottom so they can be moved around easily.Back garden loungers could be the perfect deluxe item for yourgarden which is not going to cost a huge amount. Get ready toexperience your summer and also your springtime and fall out inyour garden with these resilient items of patio furniture. Whensome enjoy reclining alongside the swimming pool, yet others liketo devote time to sun tanning themselves in the backyard, there isabsolutely no other piece of outdoor furniture that can do all ofthis and looks nearly as good.The summer months are the perfect time for you to delight in yoursteamers and reclining chairs and finding the right backyardlounger is about knowing what you would like to use it for andexactly what textile is likely to be the most effective for you andyour personal requirements. While teak wood is well-liked, it isalso relatively costly, this means you may wish to look into anumber of the other possibilities, for example rattan or bamboo andeven plastic material. You might elect to get something less costlyand dress it up to look the part using some pretty accents. Thiscould be effortlessly achieved with the addition of garden seatswhich could double up as drinks tables or incorporating cast ironbenches as daybeds.By far the most adaptable style include those that can liealtogether flat to be used as patio benches for the extra seatingthat you might need every so often. Garden cushions will be idealand using a wide range of quality cushions for the outdoorfurniture will liven up your garden along with making the completeexperience of backyard living much more leisurely.
Garden Fence Panels Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
The typical garden fence panel can have manyuses far beyond its usual purpose. Many panels can be used indoorsas well and make wonderful decorations. A picket type panel,usually between 4 and 6 feet in length, can make an ideal child'sheadboard with a few adjustments and creative painting.These small, white picket panels can also be applied to a child'sbedroom walls as a means of creating a forest or garden scene foran easy and decorative display, instantly giving your child's rooma wonderful and unique decoration style that is sure to be a topicof conversation whenever you have guests over to your home.In the garage, the smaller garden panel can also be applied towalls as a means of protection from typical garage wear and usage.Light and small and generally 4 feet in height, small panels can beapplied easily with nails to the drywall in one afternoon and areideal for guarding against stains and damage from car doors, toolsand machinery.Of course, garden fence panels are also wonderful when used in thelawn. But even there, these handy panels can be applied in manynumerous and creative ways to solve several common gardenproblems.Better and more durable than a tarp, garden panels make wonderfulshelters for various plants and areas where shade is needed orpreferred. While plastic, muslin or fabric tarps can offer shelter,they are not as sustainable as fencing nor do they remain placedproperly against the elements. Placing a fence panel over an areawhere shade is desired, offers both function as well as aninteresting garden decor.Fence panels also offer a hearty and stable trellis for many vineswhere the usual trellis design may not be sufficient. Vines whichcan grow heavy during their growth season can sometimes break orbend the typical wood slat, metal or PVC type trellis designs. Aprivacy panel, typically 6 by 8 feet would hold a larger plant vinefor many years to come.Stakes can be nailed to the support boards on the back of the paneland placed in the ground using cement, clay or gravel as a supportfeature at the base. Since garden fence panels tend to have littleroom between each board, for climbing vines, it's best to applyhooks throughout the front of the panel to help train the vine asit grows. If treated prior to staking and planting, this creativeand interesting panel will support any plant for as long as isneeded.When planting a garden, there are many different things you can useto add to the beauty. From statues and birdbaths to stepping stonesand mulch, the possibilities are endless. One thing that can reallyliven up your garden is adding garden fencing panels. These panelscreate a beautiful border around your garden which really drawsattention to the bed. There are many different options to choosefrom when selecting the material and style of panel that you wishto use.A very popular style of garden panel is wooden. Of the styles thatyou can create with these panels, the most popular is the picketfence style. This style consists of pickets, a flat wooden piecewith a pointed top. The pickets run vertically along the fencewhile backboards are placed horizontally for both style andsupport. In between each picket is a gap that is approximately thesame width as the picket. These gaps are what create the beautifullook of the traditional picket fence. The most popular color ofthis style of fence is white. A white picket fence is a veryclassic and simple way of adding an extra touch to yourgarden.Bamboo fencing panels are also very popular especially in exoticgardens. This bamboo panel creates a very natural look around thebed. These panels come in a variety of heights so they can be usedin both small and large lush gardens. The bamboo shoots are driveninto the ground so that they run vertically. The tops of the shootscan be flat across or can be cut to create a slanted look.
Garden Nursery Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Looking at beautiful landscape garden photosbeen published in some internet websites, make you tempt to turnyour own private backyard into a charming garden. Home withoutlively garden is incomplete if your home had some compound to growplants but the lawn is neglected. To design an inviting landscapefor your own private yard, you need to outline your budget and whatto plant and have in your garden. A well thoughtful landscaping canimprove your overall satisfaction with a home while you live there.There are many sources to get some ideas about how to design yourbackyard.Gardening books and websites are easy accessible way to search forinitial ideas. Take a stroll around your neighborhood or visit yourlocal garden nurseries to see what other gardeners have created andtake note of the stuffs that interest you. When you back, do somethinking on the garden style whether it fits your own lifestylesand your neighborhood.To save your budget on plant nurseries and gardening design,do-it-yourself landscaping project is worth effort to achieve yourdesired look for your own backyard. Asking for help from friends orfamily in exchange for dinner or a favor might also stimulate yourspirit for gardening and lift up some the workloads.Alternatively, get some advices and tips from the gardening centeras some nurseries might offer landscape services as well as plants.It will be a big relief if you are for example planting a largetree and you do not have some special tools to do that. So thereare many things you could do to make your garden stand out and tobe proud of. Combining your creativity thinking and the ornamentsavailable around your house could accent your backyard into abeautiful garden.
Glass Pool Fence Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Still having second thoughts on switching overto Glass Pool Fencing?After reading this, you'll definitely be saying, why not!Glass Pool Fencing has become more and more popular in recenttimes. When it comes to choosing the best security appliance foryour pool, nothing can be more ideal and perfect option thaninstalling a glass pool fence as it is considered the perfectstrategy for safeguarding your pool. These fences are used formaintaining safety & privacy of your pool. They not only act asa shield for your pool, as it also adds a sublime touch to yourpool beauty. If you're looking forward to install the best,affordable and durable fencing for your pool, Glass Pool Fencingwould be the best option. As the name suggests, these fences aremade of glass & are put up around the swimming pool to avoidunfortunate accidents, crack-ups & drenching. Today, most ofthe pool owners around the world adopt this fencing techniquebecause of its affordable and reliable nature.Glass pool fencing can either be framed, semi framed or framelessbased upon the design selected. The glass used in this fencing ismixed with natural products like graphite, marble or stone forsetting up the last touches & making it more beautiful andstunning. It provides a classy look to your property that you havealways dreamt of. It looks more glamorous than those antique wooden& steel bar fencing techniques. Among all the materials, glassis the best and most trusted material, adapted by the majority ofthe pool owners all around the world for partitioning andrailing.Plus point of Glass Pool Fencing:• It is an artistic and creative way of preserving your pool &providing a clear view of nature around the pool.• Glass Pool Fencing enhances the appearance of your home alongwith the poolside area, & giving a new, elegant and stunninglook to your premises.• Another advantage is, durability, because of which, this glasscan last for decades, depending upon proper care andmaintenance.• It can withstand extreme weather, as these glasses are made up ofaluminium and titanium, which ensures that it will not corrode evenin severe circumstances.• These glasses can resist even salt water & is not prone todecaying and rusting like steel does.• Its main advantage is that it can adapt wet conditions & doesnot need any repairing, or routine maintenance.• Glass railings are much strong, cost-effective, and not easilydamaged as compared to wood, iron or steel.• These glass fences are much taller to prevent children enter thepool.• The different choices available: Now days, many alternatives areavailable for comparing the tone of these eyeglasses online,through various supplier's websites and web logs. One must checkthe quality of the glass panels used by the supplier & mustconfirm that the panels used are high-grade and having greatertransparency.• The glasses used in this fencing, are not affected by moisture,wind, rainfall, or debris. And, the glasses must be cleaned with adry and fresh cloth for more serious and long-lastingeffects.Then, before running short for a particular fencing company, onemust look up various suppliers online, come in touch with the mostgenuine company and then should break for leasing.Glass Pool Fencing is considered as the best option for ensuringthe safety of your swimming pool. The process of fencing involvesvarious things like, deciding the proper height of fencing,ensuring the quality of the glass, selecting a suitable design,opting for self-closing & auto locking systems, and finallycomes the installation process.Due to a large number of pool drowning, Australian stategovernments agreed to impose a pool fence regulations - making itcompulsory for households with pools to install a perimeter aroundthe pool to protect those little lives. These are actually poolsecurity regulations and pool fence is just a smallcomponent.
Garden Stepping Stones Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
One of the most versatile, easy to use andimaginative accessories for your garden is the steppingstone.From their original use as a functional yet decorative way todelineate a path through ornamental gardens, stepping stones arenow considered a part of the garden. Commercially, there are almostendless themes available to suit any taste or interest, come in avariety of shapes and sizes, even 3 dimensional.There is also the option of making your own garden stepping stonesfor an even more personal touch. There are ready made moldsavailable, or you can almost any container you may have that is theright size and shape for what you wish to make; just make sure thecontainer is the same size or smaller at the bottom, or you maynever get your completed treasure out.Normally, there are 3 types of base material used, depending on theuse of the stone. Regular concrete is used most often when a stoneis actually part of a pathway, and decorations, such as smallmosaic tiles or colored stones are used for visual effect. Steppingstone concrete is used when a more intricate pattern (or 3-d effectfrom a mold) is used. It is finer grained, so there is less likelyto be an air pocket in a detailed area. Finally, there is plasterof paris; it is VERY fine grained, and will hold the best detail ofall; but lacks the strength necessary to hold up under harshweather or traffic conditions. Garden stepping stones of thismaterial should be ornamental only, and in an area protected fromweather and harsh temperatures.Decoration for these stones is limited only by your imagination.From a simple hand or paw print (name and date optional), up to arecreation of your favorite piece of art made out of shatteredteacups, your inner artist can run wild. Even photographs can beused- simply put it between 2 sheets of glass and seal the edgeswith silicone. When using glass as decoration for your stones, itis best to place the glass in the container first, laying it out asyou wish it to be in the finished product, then carefully pour theconcrete over it; this way there will be no sharp exposed areas.You can also give it a different look by using colored groutbetween the pieces of glass. (Putting the grout on the glass maychange the perceived color of the glass in the finishedproduct.)Flat metal punchouts are great for garden stepping stones.Wildlife, garden (or other trade) tools, and zodiac are allpossible themes. Small colored stones could be used to make theconstellations. Some garden stepping stone basics- make sure youcan get the finished stone out of the form by lining it withplastic wrap (remember-wrinkles may show or the plastic becometrapped in the stone) or using a non-stick spray; make the stone3-4 inches thick so it can stand up to traffic; let it dry forseveral days before you remove it from the form. When using shapedobjects (such as pebbles) where you don't want them buried in theconcrete, but would like an even surface, after placing them on topof the stone, cover with a piece of wood larger than the stone andpress evenly. It may take a few tries to figure out the rightpressure, but the professional look will add to its attractiveness.Besides pathways, your garden stepping stones can be used as pointsfor a sundial, to ring a tree, as wall or raised bed decorations,even tabletops or to line small pools and fountains.Our life is running like an aircraft where you don't have much timeto spend on others. In this busy world where every single minutehas its own significance, thinking about a garden would be termedas imagination or day dreaming. A garden in your house always keepsyou fresh and gives you peace and serenity. And what's even betterthat having a garden has many more advantages which makes all thehassles that you undergo for it seem worth while.
Garden Wall Blocks Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Before starting working on your garden, it isessential to think about the material you want to use in yourgarden walls and fences that will best suit your requirements.Hereunder is given a list of material mostly used in garden wallsand fences.Stone WallsStones used in walls are of different types and their appearancelargely depends on the use and type.Dry stone walls usually don't have any mortar. These are thicktowards the base and retain soil at one side for stability. In somecases a backward lean (batter) is needed for extra stability, ifthe wall is higher than 450 mm (18 inches).Mortared stone walls on the other hand are relatively stronger andmore stable. No backward lean is required for them. Two stone widewalls usually have a smooth face on both sides while one stone widewall have smooth or fair face on one side. Manufactured stones arealso available to build such walls.Brick WallsBricks walls are also available in different styles and are alwaysmortared. They require a considerable concrete foundation. In caseyour bricks are not frost resistant, engineering bricks can be usedon the top of the wall or above ground level. Some sort of copingor tile creasing would be of great help. Both engineering walls andcoping will give you a choice to add character to the wall. Stoneand brick combination would give an attractive look to yourwall.Rendered Block WallsRendered block are comparatively more economical than brick. Theyare more prone to dampness and therefore measures should be takento keep the dampness away from creeping into the blocks and pushoff rendering. Stippled finish (Tyrolean) or normal paint can beused to stain the rendered surface.Screen BlocksThese are also used in garden walls and are see through patternedblocks available in large variety in the market. These are thin andweak walls require regular piers.Timber WallsThese are used as a free standing like in raised bed, or inretaining wall in front of a bank. The drawback with them is theygive off tar in hot conditions and perish. Telegraph or woodenpoles can also be used in same manner.Timber ScreensDifferent forms of simple or ornate trellises are included intimber screens. These are available in different designs andcolors, which enable a designer to choose a right one according tohis requirements.FENCESTimber PanelsTimber panels usually include close boarding with verticalfeather-edged boards; overlapping larch strips (horizontally); andinterwoven strips (mainly horizontal.TimberThe most common timber fence type is passlisade that is made fromclose boarding mounted on arris rails between posts. Other fencesare ranch rails with horizontal planks or rails; diagonalintermittent laths on a timber frame; posts and horizontal rails(typical paddock fencing); 'hit and miss' with vertical planks;'hit and miss' with horizontal planks and chestnut fencing wherevertical pieces of chestnut are held by two or three horizontaltwisted wires.Wire & SteelPosts and strained hori­zontal wires; chain link; wire or chickennetting; stock fencing are included in wire fencing. Steel includewrought iron and vertical railing.Natural ScreensBamboo, reed, woven willow, woven hazel, heather and so on are partof natural screens.It is important to keep these considerations in mind fordesigner.Most garden walls are built with modern lightweight Celcon orToplite blocks. These arc-cheaper than bricks and have supersededbreeze blocks, which are made from highly expensive, imported blownvolcanic clay. Heavier and sturdier walls can be achieved with theuse of 'concrete' blocks. These are, however, more difficult to cutand transport around the garden. If you're building a smaller wall,use ordinary bricks, which can be laid in small spaces, and won'tneed to be cut. Brick prices rise steeply with the better-made anddesigned display bricks.
Rose Garden Photos Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Roses can actually be easy to grow with somebasic rose gardening tips. Preliminary planning and visualizationof what kind of plants to put in your garden will ensure greatersuccess. Consider what will work with your existing garden? Is thegarden formal or informal; will rose trees or small bushes workbest?Plan AheadRoses need about 6 hours of sunlight, so think about whether thegarden has an appropriate spot. Are the plants going to be in a bedor up against a structure suitable for climbing roses. Or will youwant to put roses in pots? And lastly, does color matter? If thegarden has a certain color scheme, what roses would fit inbest?Get in 'the Zone'After you've made some notes about what to purchase, it's time tolook at climate and zone needs of the roses. Some roses will notgrow well in colder climates; know your zone before making apurchase.The Right Tool Is EverythingGarden tools are essential: pruners, a garden rake, and a fork fordigging are necessary. You should also have some good sturdygloves, a watering can or hose, and a wheelbarrow.Weeding requires a good bit of kneeling. Knee pads are madespecifically for gardeners and are well worth nearly any expense.Pruners are small and useful on simple deadheading jobs, but a pairof loppers are best for pruning on a larger scale.Tools tend to get lost or scattered around the tool shed (orgarage). Get a container or basket designated for gardening andkeep tools and other necessities in one place. Paint your toolhandles in bright non-garden colors for help in locating. Hot pinkspades or pruners can't easily hide in tall grass.Maintain your tools - sharpen pruners and loppers annually, keepthem oiled and clean of debris. It's a good idea to give them abath of rubbing alcohol on a regular basis to avoid thetransmission of rose disease among plants.Habits Are GoodBe systematic about garden tending. If you set a schedule forwatering, you're less likely to forget. Plants prefer watering inearly morning or late evening and will need more attention on hotsummer days.Keep The Garden CleanLikewise pay attention to weeding and don't allow weeds to get outof control. Keep the base of the plant weed-free; right after arain weeds are much easier to pull up. All debris, such as fallenleaves should be removed from rose beds. Air circulation is key tokeeping fungi like powdery mildew under control.Join A GroupFor novices as well as gardeners with experience, it's nice to havea source for information and questions pertaining to roses. Lookfor local gardening groups in your area, or search the internet foran on-line forum. There are some great eBooks out there foradditional help, too.Jot Down Your ProgressBuy a journal and keep track of your roses; when they bloom,colors, and variety. Jot down the date of planting so you'll beable to accurately note its progress. Note what works and doesn'twork. Track problems as well. Then if you need to talk to an expertthe information is accessible.Take photos of your garden as well, note the color of a particularrose or a grouped planting. The information can be helpful inadditions, or when propagating. This information will provide anopportunity to see how well your rose garden is performing.Enjoy!Enjoy your garden. Remember this is supposed to be an enjoyablehobby! Get a glass of iced tea and a chair and enjoy the sights andaromas from your beautiful rose garden.Plan FirstGrowing flowers is pretty easy if you are educated; these rosegardening tips will make the job fun as well as rewarding. Begin byplanning how the garden will look:-What type of roses will complement your current flowers?-Is there a specific color you want?-Are you going to use beds or put flowers in pots on a smallpatio?-Is there enough sunlight to provide at least 6 hours of sun?-Make some notes about what you want before you decide to go toyour local gardening center.
Garden Border Edging Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
If you want to define some space in yourgarden, then you can do so with the use of garden borders. Borderscan be used to separate grass from walks and for other types oflandscape edging and they can also be used to create garden beds.The borders add both depth and texture to the garden, and enhancethe aesthetic appeal.Garden beds create a small controlled space, making it the idealplace to grow edibles like fruits and herbs, or to plantperennials. The borders are usually used for a garden bed that isplaced at a higher level than the area immediately surrounding it.They are an important component of raised garden beds, as they formthe frame in which the soil for the bed is placed. In addition,they assist in keeping the soil in the bed intact, and inpreventing erosion. Because there is no erosion, the nutrientsremain in the beds, and this causes the plants to flourish andthrive.The garden borders also play another very important role, as theyhelp to stop the spread of grass roots, so that the grass does notinvade your garden bed. In addition, planting in the raised bedsmakes tending to them a lot easier, and the better drainageencourages the growth of the plants, thereby ensuring a betteryield. It's the perfect solution to a soggy garden.Garden borders offer a great deal of versatility when setting upyour garden, as they are available in a range of styles and shapes.These edges can make your garden look a lot more attractive, as itis possible to create a circle, square, or rectangular design withthe borders. Also, you may opt to make the border end freely, andthen create an undulating design.There are garden border kits that you can purchase from Frame itall, which have stackable joints that allow you to raise the levelof the edgings to the desired height. The borders are modular indesign, which allows for a range of design options, which can beeither angular or subtle.The borders are made of composite wood, which is safe andnon-toxic, as it has not been treated with harmful chemicals. Thiseco-friendly alternative is strong and durable. The colors arenatural, which makes it a lot easier for them to blend into thelandscape, without detracting from the attractive design of thegarden. In addition, the composite wood is resistant to rotting andwarping, so it won't be affected by the weather extremes.You've planted the flowers, put in the shrubs and even added a birdbath and a few garden decorations, but what's missing? Could it bethe edging?Almost as important as the flowers, the edging is like the frame toyour garden. The picture can be interesting and beautiful, but itneeds a frame to really enhance its appearance. Just like apicture, your garden needs it's frame to really bring out thebeauty of your living "work of art".There are many different types of edgings and you must plan whichone will look best in your garden. One popular type of edging is touse a low brick or rock wall, cemented together with mortar. Thiswill create a beautiful and permanent edge to your garden. Ofcourse, not everyone has the means, money or desire to dothis.Another lovely way of edging is to simply place bricks around theborders of your garden. You can put them in a line, stacked in adouble row, set on their edges or tip them diagonally and lean themagainst each other.In a similar fashion, you can use large rocks to edge your garden.Use rocks that are big enough to make an impact, but ones that youcan easily carry and move yourself. You can gather the rocks fromfields, the woods or friends yards for free!In your garden supply store, you will find many manufacturededgings to suite any style of garden. Miniature fences, fake rocks,plastic, metal - you name it, they have it. I prefer a more naturaltype edging, but if you must buy one of these, choose a goodquality product and not something that looks cheap and will onlylast for 1 season.
Modern Pool Fence Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Styles for pool fencing are abundant. Theycome in various and diverse design and concepts. When you comeacross the word "fencing", the very first thing that will registerin your mind would be the type of material. From the mind of askilled craftsman in the swimming pool industry as well as from thegeneral information that many know about fencing tells us thatmetal and concrete are manufactured for this purpose. Today, evencottage industry products offer fencing materials made from glassincluding various accessories which will add beauty to a home orcommercial pool or garden.The choice of glass material to be used for the production ofoutdoor fixtures nowadays is justified and widely accepted by amultitude of manufacturers in the construction industry due to itsdurability and all-weather resistance technology. In addition,modern glass materials have protectors that make them impervious tohot, cold and wet weather environments as well as rust andtermites.Today, glass fences have become a favourite material in theswimming pool construction industry. Outdoor weekend activitieswould be more fun and relaxing when you have a stunning swimmingpool that render an impressive sight and venue where you canentertain everyone. Your well-designed glass pool fence will surelybe admired by those who chance to pass by or visit yourwell-appointed home. If you want to achieve positive response fromyour guests, make it a point to arrange your pool area, garden orpatio in a fashion that have a warm and welcoming feel.Shopping around for the right type of fence will depend on manyfactors such as your funds, the size of the area that you want tocover and the desired theme that will match your home architecture,pool scape and your garden or backyard's landscape design.Consulting with glass pool fence specialists is definitely a wisedecision aside from banking on your personal preferences. A wisesaying "two heads are better than one" should be applied whenworking out a plan and following a layout where the glass fencewill be installed. You can also apply another adage, "an ounce ofprevention is worth a pound of headaches and disappointments" andmodify it to apply to this subject matter of personal preferencesthat is applicable for your fencing plans and for your pool'ssafety. Thus, picking appropriate choices will surely place you inthe comforting mood of your well-designed and stylish outdooroasis.When thinking of adding safety features to your swimming pool area,keep in mind that safety purposes shouldn't affect the aestheticvalue of your outdoor oasis. Consider pool fencing styles that areversatile, easy to maintain, inexpensive yet sturdy andmanufactured to last for many years even with minimal upkeep. Thistype of fence is easy to install hence apt for those looking forno-fuss fencing system.A modern pool fence incorporates glass panels in a semi-framed orframeless design introducing a unique streamlined appeal that iseasy to maintain. When choosing a fence for swimming pools it mustmeet regulatory standards for safety and not possess gaps largeenough for toddlers to climb through. Understanding the benefits ofutilizing a more economical design can provide a multitude ofbenefits.Safety glass is an effective barrier and can be created into abeautifully finished and modern style to best complement the home.The panels are secured by bolts and drilling into the surroundingconcrete offering various design options. The solid type of fencingis a suitable border to protect children or pets from entering thepool area without supervision and is not as harsh or obtrusive asmetal fences.Glass fences are most appealing surrounding pools offering a neatand modern, customized result. The smooth edging surrounding theborder ensures safety in and around the structure and isconstructed from thick material proving resistant against extremeweather conditions.
Garden Wedding Venues Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
When the wedding ceremony and reception beheld in a garden wedding venue, a graceful church wedding, a roomydance palace or friendly eating house, or even a museum. Decidingthe suitable marriage ceremony or wedding venue is not a complexthing; it merely calls for going through four considerations ascomponent of the decision making process.Choosing the number of invitees. The first thing that an engagedcouple needs to ascertain in solving where their wedding venue willbe focuses on the size of possible venues. How many invitees willbe coming? No one would like to pack so many invitees into a humbleroom that they feel virtually like a canful of pilchards.Conversely, only a couple of invitees sparsely domiciling atremendous space is empty and unpleasant.Determining How Much income Is In the Budget for the WeddingThe bulk of wedding venues bill for their letting. The additionalones will not anticipate a letting fee, but still the marriedcouple will have to pay for food and drinks. Any wedding venue thatis being considered must first fit into the honest operating budgetfor the general wedding. Those on a mean budget can not anticipateto hire out the Cesar Ritz, after all.Determining on the close feeling and appearance that is soughtafter in the WeddingThere are a a couple of alternatives of overall aura that a couplecan pick from in their venue. These are jolly much circumscribed toinside or outside spaces. Elegant dance palace* convey analtogether different aura than do more intimate wedding parties ina garden or on the beach. The best way to narrow them down lies intouring several vastly different possibilities and then comparingthe feelings that each of them gives off.• Garden Wedding -Gardens are surrounded with beautiful greenery, flowers, and watermaking garden weddings a very natural environment. This gives thewedding an elegant-classic ambiance. The use and types of flowers,trees, and open space is important for a garden venue and the rightgarden venue must be selected to make it match with the weddingtheme and the venues surrounding environment. You can find outdoorwedding venues that customize the flower decorations in a way thatcomplements a wide verity of wedding themes.• Beach Wedding -These have a wide budget range: from being most economical to mostexpensive wedding. A beach wedding offers a very comfortable andrelaxing environment offering simplicity to your choice of weddingdress and decorations. A beach wedding you will not have to spendmuch on the decorations, but the theme cannot be changedmuch.• Banquet halls -Banquet halls are usually used to continue the wedding celebrationafter the church ceremony. This is when all friends and familyrelatives of the wedding couple come together for the celebration.A banquet hall can be a good choice for a reception as well. It canbe stylish and fun. Lightings play a key element, in banquet halls,because the venue is indoors. If you choose this option you willneed to find a good event company that works with lighting and/orlighting rental companies to get the best design.Planning a wedding is very hectic and challenging but an excitingtime. Choosing the right: venue, and food, dress. Continuing toprepare the guest list is very time consuming and all these taskscan lead to a lot of stress and confusion. Usually people do notknow where to start and go about planning their entire weddingbackwards. Hence they many wedding couples prefer to hire a weddingplanner making their work load manageable with less stress.The choice of your wedding venue differs from couple to coupleaccording to the style, theme, and your budget. There are a varietyof venues within the Bay Area including: beaches, gardens,churches, mansions, hotels, etc.Amongst the verity of venue eachone offers enumerable amounts of services. Choosing the right venueis easy if a couple knows what they want for their wedding.
Single Patio Door Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
When making home improvements, there are oftenmany different products to choose from. Replacing a patio door canhelp update the appearance of any patio entryway, both inside andout. Knowing as much as possible about these types of doors canhelp anyone choose the best patio doors for their remodel.The first thing that should be determined is whether to go withdouble or single doors. Many people stick with the same type as theexisting door, however, it is quite possible to add or remove adoor from an entryway, though adding is much simpler than removing.Double doors are great for maximizing space when moving items inand out of a home, however, single doors take up much less room.When it comes to aesthetics, double doors usually win oversingles.Sliders are a great way to go with a double door, which minimizingthe use of space while giving off the appearance of a double door.They look like double doors, without the down sides of them.Because there is no swinging door, the area in front of a slidercan be utilized more efficiently. Sliders generally allow the mostlight to come through and almost all of them come with the optionfor a screen door, which is great for airflow during the warmermonths.French doors are probably the most visually pleasing option forpatio doors. They add the most value while allowing natural lightto flow through the interior of the home. These double doors canmake any home seem more open from the inside while maintaining ahigh quality of décor. They can add a classic touch to anyhome.When looking to replace patio doors, it is always important to shoparound before making a final purchase. Patio doors can be purchasedat numerous home improvement stores and websites. With so manyoptions, it is important to make sure to get the best deal. Alwaysread product reviews and compare prices. Make sure to know whateach product offers, because some doors have better features thanothers, such as top quality insulation.Replacing a patio door is the type of simple home improvementproject that can add both aesthetic and monetary value to a home.Knowing what options are out there is important before committingto any purchase. This can help anyone to choose the best patiodoors for their remodel.Everybody wants to have a nice home, a place where the family cancome together and live in peace and harmony. The image of the houseis simple yet charming, and the homeowner's personality isdisplayed by the interior design. The house with a patio would bemagnificent, and the element to complete the entire aesthetic ofthe house is the patio door.Patios are a pleasing area of the housebecause they allow the homeowners to experience the warm, sunnyoutdoors without having to leave the home. Originally a Spanishword, "patio" does literally mean backyard. A patio can have agarden, an outdoor dining area, a swimming pool, or even a smallcourt.Patios are not only great additions to the household, but alsocount in the overall features of the home. From the interior of thehouse, a person enters the terrace through an outdoor. These doorsare commonly made of a single, door-sized glass panel which isinstalled into a door frame and door jambs.Patio doors create anillusion of a bigger space within the house because of thetransparent glass that makes the outside area visible from inside.Through the porch door, the beautiful patio, the blue sky, and thebright sun can all be seen.What's good about the this door is that it connects the outsideworld to the home. If an ordinary door with no glass panels isused, even if there is patio just outside the house, the peopleinside will not get to see it. On the other hand, a homeowner willbe able to see the dainty veranda and the beautiful outdoors everytime he passes by the porch door.Patio doors have many varieties.At most times, they use the sliding door design and can remain openthroughout the day.
Garden Parasol Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Garden furniture, supplied in a variety ofstyles, offers a great way to relax and enjoy your outside space.Alfresco dining is a popular past time during the UK summer time.However, the enjoyment can occasionally be hampered by the strengthand glare of the sun's rays. If you find your enjoyment is hamperedlike this it may be worth buying a garden parasol.Garden parasols have improved in both design and quality in recentyears. Previously they were commonly domed in shape, with littleattention paid to the fabric design or quality. Today, suchparasols should be confined solely on the beach. Garden parasolsare now much more attractive and if you buy wisely your parasolwill be easy to use and will be of a quality that will last foryears and will actually enhance the appearance of your existinggarden furniture.So, what should you consider when looking to buy a gardenparasol?Well, one important factor you should consider first is yourfurniture, rather than the parasol itself. For instance, if yourequire a parasol to be used with a dining table you should checkthat your table actually has a parasol hole in the centre. Manylarge tables are supplied with a parasol hole, but quite often thesmaller bistro style tables with space to seat 2-4 people do nothave a parasol hole. Tables with glass tops are also at greaterrisk of not having a parasol hole. If your table does not have aparasol hole don't worry. You simply need to change your searchfrom a traditional straight pole umbrella style, to a cantileverstyle.Cantilever parasols have a curved pole rather than a straight pole.They can therefore sit at the side of your furniture and arch overit. Cantilever parasols are also ideal for covering other pieces ofgarden furniture such as benches, steamers and sun loungers. Theirunusual shape makes them extremely attractive and the better modelswill have a quality fabric in a shade to match the pole andumbrella ribs.Once you have determined the style of parasol you require youshould then think about the size and shape. The most popularparasols are round in shape; however, you can find rectangularshaped parasols which look great when used with a rectangular oroval shaped table. Parasols are typically available from around 2metres in diameter upwards to as large as 4 meters in diameter.Think about the space you want to cover - you want the parasol tocompliment the furniture rather than dominate it so don't choose aparasol that is significantly larger than your table.The next consideration is ease of use. Traditional umbrella styleparasols often used the same opening mechanism as a rain umbrellaand they were often very difficult to push into the lockingposition. If you want a parasol which is easy to open and closethen you really should buy one with a crank handle. Crank handlesare incredibly easy to operate - the user simply turns the handleand the parasol slowly opens and closes.If you want to buy a garden parasol and make it match with yourgarden furniture, these few tips can help you to find your bestparasol. Buy the garden parasol and the furniture at the same time,choose the best combination between it and the furniture in thesame store. Probably it is the easiest thing to do.If you have already purchased the garden furniture and you can notfind a matching parasol, you can look for a parasol that is madefrom the same material. That same material can make it still in oneharmony between a parasol and the furniture.Air vents in the top of parasol will allow sudden gust of wind toescape without taking rest of the parasol with it, so check it whenyou buy a parasol. Air vents which covered with a piece of fabricaround of the parasol are the best one to choose. Rain and airwhich come from above will act by the fabric like a valve.
Removable Pool Fence Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Some time ago I wrote an article on buying aremovable safety pool fence. It was very well received and I waspleased with the readership of the article. However after receivinga few emails. I realized that I may have left a few minor detailsunanswered. Because the cost of the fence is quite high I feel thatthe subject should be given more attention.First let us think about the possibility that without guidance itquite possible a pool fence of lesser quality could be purchased.Remember, knowledge is king.Lets start with the pool fence companies. Always check out thelocal companies that are available in your area. It is recommendedthat you do not buy a fence from a company that is more than onehundred miles from your home, the reason being that should you toneed service or repairs you will need them now not next week.Whichbrings up a good point. Check out how far away the pool fencecompany is by use of phone numbers and the address on printedmaterials. Scan websites for clues as to where the home base of thefence co. is located. You will find that some pool fence companiesare pretty slick at hiding where they are really located.Some do not have employee installers, they use installers who insome cases don't have workers compensation insurance. they arecalled independent contractors. They are often paid cash by thepool fence company and are here today and gone tomorrow. Askquestions. Do you have insurance?, are your workers covered? may Isee the binder? If they don't have a copy with them that could be aproblem, you MUST make them show proof of insurance, you would dowell to write down the carrier and the date and phone number. evenbetter yet would be a copy of the binder. The fence company shouldhave no problem with this.Another reason for choosing a local pool fence company is thatshould you have an emergency concerning the fence such as "the dogate a section and there is a hole in the pool fence" this can'twait you need it fixed now not next week SAFETY CANNOT WAIT!!! Ifyou bought a fence from an owner operated company located out oftown you may have to take a number, the reason being you are nolonger a priority,they have your money and repairs are not on theirhit list. If they are installing a pool fence you will be placed onthe things to do list. especially if they are booked up for a fewof days they will cater to the new money! So ask what is your turnaround time on emergency repairs 48 hrs is acceptable if it iswarranty work and safety is not the issue three to five days isfine.One more thing, before you buy a pool fence make sure that thereare no complaints on file anywhere. Check with who they do businesswith. By that I mean people in the trades,such as service providersand pool contractors. A tradesman will not give you a bogusreferral the last thing he wants is you showing up at his place ofbusiness angry! Ask to see photos of completed projects, ask forsamples of fence, You should be doubly concerned about the poolfence gate they sell" DARE TO COMPARE" it is of the highestpriority that you purchase a pool fence gate that will with standthe the test of time, after all it will be the entry and exit ofyour swimming pool area.Check to see how many stitches are in the border material of thepool fence, when examining the poles look inside of the pole andcheck what kind of reinforcement they are using, all most all ofthe removable pool fence companies use aluminum poles so you aregoing to want purchase one with at least some sort of innerreinforcement. they range from zero to four, four being thestrongest, four points of strength running the complete length ofthe inner pole. This is called quad cross because it looks like across when viewed from the end of the pole.Also check to see whatkind of fence section connectors are being offered with the poolfence. some still use the old hook and eye type connectors, like ona old fashioned screen door.
Interior Glass Door Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
The beauty of interior glass closet doors is acontemporary style that adds sophistication to your modern home.They are available in different designs such as sliding and bifoldand with options such as framed or frameless, tempered and recycledglass as well as frosted. Prices of these doors will vary dependingon the dimensions of the doors as well as retailers. You can alsobuy them with unfinished wood so you can stain or paint them tomatch any decor in your home.Dimensions must be accurate for all doors with the exception ofbifold. These are adjustable where sliding and swing are not. Ifyou have non-standard sizes in your home, you may need to purchasecustom doors. Custom door prices will be higher than standard sizedbecause they must be made to fit your doors dimensions. You canchoose from options such as tempered glass, frosted or recycledmaterials when choosing your custom doors.Frosted interior glass closet doors are the most popular of allglass doors. This is because they provide your room with a softerlook and prevent others from seeing inside your cluttered closet.Using clear glass allows others to see inside your closet requiringyou to keep an immaculate closet. Frosted glass eliminates thisfrom being necessary. Prices are no more or less expensive thanclear glass doors. Most of these doors are framed in wood or a woodand polymer combination. The polymer is mixed with wood fibers orwood dust to create a durable and resilient material. This isslightly more expensive than wood or vinyl doors.Some contemporary styles of interior glass doors use a v-groove,etched glass. This gives the appearance of cut glass. This isusually done on clear glass with the etched glass being kiln firedto make it opaque or prevent anyone from seeing through it. Theseare one of the most elegant doors available. Some doors areavailable with wrought iron or metal framework around shards ofglass like stained glass. You can choose this modern style of doorsfor your closets and even get stained glass for the door. They makea wonderful addition to almost any room in your home.Most contemporary interior glass closet doors use one large pane ofglass surrounded by various sizes of glass. The large pane may befrosted or leave the center clear with an oval frosting around it.These represent the straight lines of the contemporary style. Thedesign for your glass closet doors will make a differences on theprices and not all designs are available at all retailers. You mayneed your retailer to special order your doors if they are notreadily available. You should check with them to see what isavailable and popular in your area. Whether you choose framed orframeless, sliding or bifold, contemporary or modern doors, theywill make a huge difference in the looks of your home.A crafty and stylish alternative to traditional swinging doors areinterior sliding doors. This style of door can accommodate variousinterior design styles and put a modern twist on your décor. Spacesaving and functional interior sliding doors come in a wide varietyof textures and designs.Glass interior sliding doors are probably the most popular style ofsliding door. Commonly used in offices as they open up a smallspace and make it feel productive and professional and also offer agood source of light to less exposed areas providing plenty ofbrightness in your workspace. Wooden interior sliding doors arepopular in urban spaces such as lofts as they give you acomfortable, country feel and a tremendous amount of style andcharacter that no other material can provide.Whatever style of door you choose keep in mind that it is notuncommon these days for consumers to install these doorsthemselves. Professional interior sliding door installation is notalways included in the sale price so be sure to confirm whenpurchasing if installation is included.
Garden Features Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
A lawn is not about mounds of grass anymore. Atired looking yard can be made more interesting by incorporatingbeautiful host of features in it. This will definitely add a dashof grandeur and style to your green space. However, carefulplanning is necessary so that you can enhance the garden areawithout compromising your bank account. This article comprises ofmultiple options in garden features, from which you can choose anyof them and get them fitted in your green space as per yourrequirements.Water featuresAt the end of a long, hectic and crazy day, many people like tospend alone time in a garden as it is a peaceful place where theycan take some respite and breathe the fresh air. Moreover, it givesyou the opportunity to embrace your inner self without any hassles.Just imagine how relaxing it would be when you will include a waterfeature in this area. The gentle sound of water trickling into areservoir will soothe your soul completely. Besides its beauty, awater feature is also beneficial in attracting birds to your yard.This will create a very tranquil setting and mood. The exceptionalthing about these water features is that they are available inabundant varieties. The choice is yours! You can install a smallbubbling urn tucked in the corner of your tiny patio, or proudlyinstall a huge baroque with sophisticated carvings as a center ofattraction in a large garden.BenchNo matter whether you like to read books in your garden area, spendquality time with your family members or have a party with yourfriends, the one component that you need to complete these tasks isa comfortable, rattan bench. The stylish, durable and long lastingseating, complimenting the other decors of your garden will giveyou an awesome feeling. However, make sure to place it in acomfortable area, where it is not too sunny or too shady.GazeboA gazebo is a pavilion structure that offers shade and shelter tothe people in any season - be it scorching summer, chilly winter orrainy. Moreover, this area can be considered as one of the mostcomfortable and beautiful places in your patio because it is notonly aesthetically pleasing to your eyes, but a place to put yourdrinks and snack with your guests and have intimate conversationswithout any hassles. However, a little care is required to maintainthe condition of this garden feature.Bird bathA bird bath is an artificial small shallow pond which is consideredas a reliable source to water during the sweltering summer anddrought periods. This is the place where birds cool off them selfby dipping their wings to splash water on their backs. This sightoften gives people, a sense of satisfaction. Moreover, the chirpingof these amazing birds can relax your mind to a great extent.However, it is essential to clean and refill water every day inorder to avoid contamination and mosquitoes.Fire pitsAre you planning your wedding anniversary party in your backyard,but worried because it falls during the chilly winter season? Well,here is the amazing garden feature solving your dilemma - a firepit. This element is an eye catching garden focal point that helpsyou to comfortably enjoy your party without the sense of chill offcold evenings.Your garden is the most important asset of the property. So, buildand invest in it sensibly. Outdoor features complimenting theatmosphere will appeal everyone alike.When you create plans for the creation of a new garden, or reworkthe layout or scheme of one that already exists, there are numerousaspects of design that you have to address with the landscaping anddecorative garden features that you integrate into your yard orlawn.Homeowners who wish to build or redesign a garden can leave it to aprofessional, or do the work themselves. Typically, theprofessional garden designer or landscaper you choose to work withis already trained in the various facets of garden design, as wellas with horticulture.
Steel Exterior Door Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Want to have a well secured as well as anelegant looking exterior door for your home entrance but cannotdecide which one to choose among all the available options - Metal,wood or fiberglass?Steel Exterior Doors is a best suitable answer. Yes, Steel exteriordoors provide both elegance and security to your home. Steel doors,until the recent past were confined to the industries only, but nowowing to the various designs and various types have made them thepreferred choice for homeowners too. Heavy duty locks and hingesequipped in them, makes it impossible for the intruder or a burglarto force them open. Additionally some of these doors also offerscreen on them, thus allowing the fresh air inside your house andat the same time keep the bugs out. Many of these doors havepneumatic closers which automatically closes the door behindyou.A steel exterior door should be selected based on various factors.To list a few are:1. The door should be made of heavy gauge steel. This will ensuremaximum security. If the door has grill work or decorative bars,this will provide additional security as well as also appear moreattractive.2. The steel exterior doors will provide security only if theyproperly fit into the door frame in which you intend to install orhang them. Thus it is important that you take exact measurements ofthe frame. These can exceed the actual measurement to some extentbut should not be less than the actual ones.3. Steel exterior doors are normally available as kits with all thenecessary hardware and accessories to install them. Be sure thatyou look out for these in the kits.4. Finally determine the cost factor in installing them. Whenconcerned with the security, the cost factor is normally ignored.But you can find these doors in an affordable range if you do alittle study on the prices and the makes available.Steel exterior doors offer many advantages over traditional woodendoors or the recent fiberglass doors. The few advantages which makethem most preferred are:1. Weather, temperature, rains - all these affect the wooden doors.They can either cause the wood to swell, crack or even break intopieces over the time. Steel doors are long lasting, durable and canresist all the temperature and weather conditions.2. Wooden doors needs replacement and maintenance over a specifiedtime frequency. This is not required in case of steel doors. Thesedoors do not crack or wear out like wood and can be a onetimeinvestment. But over a period of time you may observe dents in thesteel doors but you can fill these out with the help of auto- bodyfillers.3. Steel doors are available in variety of designs. Some doors maybe galvanized, some may have a wooden finishing, and some may havea glass finishing. All this makes the steel doors appear veryattractive.Keep your houses safe from burglars. Ensure that you are safe inthe comfort of your homes. Never allow strangers to cause damage,hurt your loved ones or invade your privacy! Make a move rightaway. Start by guarding the entry point of every house-the doors!Purchase steel exterior doors with security features now.The recent report of burglaries is very alarming. Every now andthen we receive reports about burglary. Some of the victims werekilled or have lost huge amounts of money. We surely do not wantthis to happen to us and so we must protect our homes from thesevicious criminals. Using exterior steel doors with securityfeatures will be a great step! Be secured and feel safe inside yourhouse knowing that you can rely on you steel exterior doors.Unlike ordinary doors, steel security exterior doors have securitytype features which burglars cannot easily break. Some steel doorswith security features even use high technology gadgets and locksto give maximum security to houses. This is not your ordinary door,so you can really rely on it.
Wicker Garden Furniture Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Most people consider their gardens and patiosimportant parts of their homes. As such, these people ornament,decorate, and furnish these spaces equally as with the other spacesand rooms in the house. Just like any other indoor space, gardensand patios are provided with furniture as well. However, with thevarious environmental conditions that gardens are exposed to, thechoice of furniture must be very critical in order to select theperfect furniture pieces for these outdoor spaces.One of the most popular outdoor furniture today is wicker. Whilethere are many different types of wicker furniture, rattan is themost commonly used type. Rattan has a number of advantages comparedto other wicker materials. Aside from the fact that rattan is astrong and durable material; it is also very flexible such that itcan be easily formed into different shapes.However, it should also be considered that garden furniture piecesare exposed to the sun, and sometimes, rain or snow. Thus, inchoosing garden furniture, the durability of the material should betaken into consideration.Since rattan wicker furniture is made from all natural materials,it is biodegradable and environment friendly. However, since it ismade from natural material, it is also subject to degradation withvarious environmental conditions. This is probably the reason whysynthetic rattan furniture has emerged in the market.Synthetic rattan furniture is actually made of artificial materialssuch as plastic. Plastic rattan does not degrade as much as naturalrattan. Moreover, it can assume various shapes and sizes likenatural rattan wicker furniture. In addition, synthetic rattanfurniture comes in many different colors. Synthetic rattanfurniture offers amazing characteristics without compromising thequality and uniqueness of natural rattan. Thus, with syntheticrattan furniture, you actually can enjoy both worlds.Aside from these, rattan garden furniture, whether synthetic ornatural, is very easy to clean and maintain. In fact, most peopleclean their rattan wicker furniture by wiping it with cloth.Furthermore, stains and dirt are easily removed as well. Indeed,this type of furniture is very ideal for outdoorapplications.Rattan wicker furniture is also durable and long lasting. Manyrattan wicker products have lasted a long time, even beyond theexpected life span. The durability of furniture pieces is veryimportant since people could not just afford to throw their moneynowadays. Every purchase must be thought of carefully such thatfinding the furniture that gives value to your money is of utmostconsideration.Finally, for gardens and patios, rattan wicker furniture isabsolutely perfect. Not only is this furniture type aestheticallypleasing, but it is very functional. There is that certain aura ofopenness and relaxation that rattan wicker furniture offers that isjust so fitting with the carefree atmosphere of the outdoors.Therefore, if you are looking for the perfect furniture for yourgarden, think of nothing else, but rattan wicker gardenfurniture.Many of us are extremely house proud; investing a great deal oftime and money into helping each room in our home look comfortable,inviting and an enjoyable place in which to spend our time in.However, often we may overlook the importance of looking after ourgardens and making it an inviting place in which to relax and spendour time in at home. Gardens can be easily 'lifted' throughplanting new flowers, giving fences a fresh lick of paint; orsimply ridding our garden of fallen leaves. Yet, one of the easiestways in which we can instantly change the appearance of our gardenis through outdoor furniture, such as wicker garden furniture. Whenwe take the time to select high quality, well crafted wickerfurniture pieces, we will be helping to create an attractive andinviting area which can help add extra charm to our house as awhole.
Garden Gravel Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Garden gravel has been used for many years,but today is becoming even more popular.It has many colors ranging from grey, black, white, and even red.Larger stones can be incorporated into the landscape similar tostatues. If designed properly, it can add much beauty to a yard orpathway.There are many benefits of having gravel in a garden. Gravel has alow maintenance. A little raking or leveling out to make it evenagain is really all it needs. The material is a wonderful way toconserve water as it can act as a mulch. It has a natural beautywhich can set off the beauty of the plants. Gravel is also aneffective way to cover irregularly shaped areas. Cost isinexpensive when compared to paving or a lawn.Gravel can be purchased in an array of shapes and colors. It alsohas various types such as pea-gravel, true gravel which is crushedstone, and stone clippings. The type of gravel you decide to usewill depend on your location. Since it is such a weighty material,most garden stores only get gravel that is more locallyavailable.The plants that will grow well in gravel are many. It is usuallyrecommended that you plant species that do not shed leaves, as thiswill help to keep maintenance easy. It also looks quite pretty whenyou use plants that are a contrast to the stones used. You alsomust decide whether you want the garden in a shady or sunny spot.However, these are not steadfast rules. Many people plant differenttypes of plants including vegetables.You need to decide if the design will be formal or informal. It isusually best, especially if you are just beginning to incorporategravel into your garden, to keep it simple. Make sure you decidewhat you want to be your focal points before you begin. You alsomust decide how much gravel you want in the landscape. The designmight be as small as having gravel in a potted plant, to having thewhole garden covered with gravel. You also might decide to have apathway made from gravel.Garden gravel is an inexpensive technique to add beauty to yourlandscape. It might be a good way to help your garden look moreprofessional.Garden gravel has always been a popular landscaping material. Itspopularity is growing even more today.The color of the stone can vary greatly. Some popular colors aregrey, black, white, and red. Large stones can be used similarly togarden art. They can enhance the focal point. Gravel and stonecertainly have the characteristics to enhance the beauty of anyyard or pathway.Gravel has many qualities that make it an ideal choice. One bigplus is its low maintenance. All that is really needed is anoccasional raking or leveling out of the gravel. It is a naturalway to conserve water because it functions as a mulch. Its beautycan make the plant varieties even prettier. Irregular shapes in ayard can be well camouflaged with this material. When compared tokeeping a lawn or even paving, it can be quite costeffective.There are several shapes and colors to choose from, as well as,types of gravel. The most popular choices are traditional gravel,pea-gravel, and stone clippings.Types available to you will oftendepend on where you live. It is much more feasible for your localstores to stock gravel that is readily available in yourarea.Plants that will thrive in this garden are numerous. For easiermaintenance, some recommend using varieties that do not easilyshed. Contrasting a stone color with a plant color can also beattractive. A lot of consideration for your choice of plants iswhether the area is sunny or shady. However, everything fromflowers, plants, and even vegetables can thrive.Something else to consider is how formal or informal you want thearea to be. It may be easier to keep it simple, but that isentirely up to you. Decide on what will be your focal points, andjust how much gravel you plan to use before you begin planting.Consider incorporating a stone pathway in the landscape aswell.
Sliding Glass Door Office 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Sliding glass doors are a beautiful additionto any home. They are great for both the inside and the outside ofthe house. They can be used for closets, bedrooms, back doors,etc.These doors are very safe, even if you have children in the house.They are easy to open and close and need little maintenance. Theyare made of thick glass that is very difficult to break; it isusually 5mm to 7mm thick. They usually are constructed usinglaminated safety glass for added protection.Sliding glass doors are easy to open and close and feature a veryquiet operation. High quality sliding glass doors are very unlikelyto become loose on their tracks as they make use of a speciallocking system.These doors may be locked in both their open and closed states.They may be locked with a key in order to provide security, orlocked for convenience by the simple pull of a lever.Sliding glass doors are constructed using the following parts: ahead, sill, insulated glass, hardware, and a jamb. The head is themain horizontal piece that serves as the top frame of the slidingglass door. The sill forms the bottom of the sliding glass doorframe.The insulated glass may be composed of two or more hermeticallysealed panes of glass. If you would like to increase insulation inyour home, these panes of glass may be layered with argon gas whichcan increase the doors' ability to retain heat.This is great for those winter months when heating bills can get sohigh. The hardware part of sliding glass doors is what is used toopen and close the doors. Finally, the jamb is the entire patiodoor frame.Sliding glass doors have been improved significantly since theywere first invented. Today's models feature energy efficiency,durability, safety, and beauty. Sliding doors may be constructed ofeither aluminum or wood, each having their own pros and cons.Aluminum doors naturally are more durable and provide for bettersecurity, but wood doors are much more fashionable. Wood doors willalso be much more vulnerable to moisture, so make sure you apply adurable finish.As a third option, you may choose fiberglass doors that areconstructed so that they resemble wood but don't warp or crack asreal wood is prone to do.The wood, aluminum, or fiberglass only form the frame of the doorshowever, as you know the main part of any sliding glass door isglass. Seek glass that has a high quality glaze. Most sliding glassdoors feature this so it is not difficult to find.Most sliding glass doors will feature dual glazing and/or argon gasfilling. There are various kinds of glass that is used in thesedoors, so look carefully at what is available to you so that youcan make the best decision.Remember, you don't have to stick to just one simple design. If youkeep this in mind when purchasing your sliding glass doors you arecertain to make the best choice.Sliding glass doors have become a staple in the design ofcontemporary work environments. They are the sophisticated andspace-saving alternative to swing doors, and even to concretewalls, when installed as room dividers.Another application of sliding doors that companies can look intois their use in storage enclosures. From office supplies and filingcabinets to dry goods and materials for retail and industrialapplications, storage areas look more appealing while maintainingfunctionality with the use of sliding doors.Featuring thick tempered or laminated glass and treated aluminumframework that comes in desired color combinations, sliding doorsmake for a warehouse portal or storage facility that is morepresentable to guests, industry partners and clients. The glasspanels may also come clear or with laminated, linen textured,smoked or frosted finish, to address different aesthetic andprivacy considerations.Unlike ordinary doors made of wood or metal, glass exudes a cleanand modern look that easily complements any interior designtheme.
Garden Doors Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Custom made Patio and Garden doors areindividually designed, made of the highest quality standardsinstalled by professionals. Doors that will enhance and beautifyyour home while at the same time operating smoothly to yourexacting specifications.You can pick sliding or swinging hinged door styles. With theirtighter seals Swinging Patio doors are more energy efficient oversliding patio doors by creating a stronger vacuum to the outside.When choosing hinged doors consider that swing out doors that opento your patio or deck area allow you to arrange your furniture incloser proximity to your doors. If this is not a priority you canconsider swing in doors that won't take up as much space on yourpatio or deck area.Professional installers will guide you through the best options tosuit your style and needs. When choosing your materials you canrequest solid vinyl, vinyl/wood, vinyl/wood, wood, aluminium, orfiberglass. Vinyl is an excellent product to work with and can addgreatly to the beauty of your home.You can choose from a wide range of colours to suit your personalstyle. You can colour coordinate to your interior walls by choosingdecorative designs to enhance both the exterior and interior partsof the door. Vinyl is light weight and easy to maintain.Other options are high end doors with solid wood frames capped withvinyl so that the wood is not exposed to the outdoor elements Youcan have quotes on how to customize your doors with a combinationof vinyl, aluminum and steel. There are many options available forfinishes, architectural frame options, double or triple glass paneoptions and hardware in the finest materials available.Glass panel options include stained or textured glass as well assolid panels. An alternative to Patio sliding door styles areGarden doors. They can offer greater flexibility to sliding doors,with their wider door openings and ability to fit seamlessly intosmaller entrance ways of your home where patio doors are not anoption. Available in single or double door styles that can swing inor swing out, you can decide based on your spacerequirements.You can choose beautiful glass designs and turn your Garden doorsinto an exquisite focal point of your home. With custom options thepossibilities are endless.When you start looking at your options for patio doors it can be abit overwhelming. There are more styles than you can ever hope toget a good look at and try to imagine in your home. The basicoptions are French patio doors, steel garden doors, and the everpopular double sliding glass door. French doors will bring in asense of old world charm and design. Steel garden doors are thetough and long lasting doors that can be slammed by your childrenuntil they either grow up or move out, that depends on the childrenthough, not the door. And double sliding glass doors will allow thegreatest movement in and out of your guests, family, and pets.Properly cleaned and taken care of they can also have thatperfectly transparent look that fools your Uncle on his way in fromthe patio so that he walks into the closed door and drops yourhamburgers. Kidding aside, let's take a look at each kind of doorand what they do for you.French patio doors are two doors that swing out or in and latch inthe middle of the two doors. They will have handles right next toone another in the middle of the two doors. Some are divided upinto many panes of glass; others are single panes of glass. Thedecision on which to go with depends on your sense of style; no oneis any better or worse than the other. They come in every material,colour, and finish you can think of, which makes that suitable forany home.Steel garden doors are nearly identical to French doors; the keydifference is that they are of course made of steel (although somecheeky ones are being made of fiberglass as of late).
Modern Garden Walls Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Gardening is a great hobby. There is nothingquite like spending long days outdoors, digging in the earth,planting seeds by hand and watching your garden come to live. Ifyou have a home garden that is rather new and consists of nothingmore than a rectangular plot in your yard, you should consideradding a garden wall to give your garden character and charm.Building a wall around your garden can be a simple affair or it canbe a well planned out job that is rather involved. If you have alimited budget, perhaps you would like to build your own wall outof flat flagstones. This involves digging a six inch trench alongthe edges of the garden and then filling that trench with thelargest, flattest stones to form the base of the wall. Then youonly need to stack the medium sized stones to make the body of thewall. Use the smallest stones as fillers to tuck into the crevices.This type of wall adds an incredible amount of charm to any gardenand provides the area with a very natural looking border.Another budget-minded border you can use to define your garden isgarden fencing. Most home and garden centers carry garden fencingthat is ideal for installing around the edges of both flower andvegetable gardens. This type of fencing is normally made of wood ormetal and there are a great many styles and varieties available.Garden fencing can be as simple or as ornate as you wish. It isvery easy to put in the fencing yourself using common householdtools.If you love the looks of masonry brick, then you can make a brickgarden wall in virtually any shape that you desire. Brick wallsstand up to extreme exposure to the elements such as rain, snow,freezing temperatures and direct sunlight. Using salvaged brick forthe wall will give your garden old-world charm and used brick isnormally much less expensive than new brick.Garden walls not only look great and give your garden a lot ofdefinition but they also serve as garden protection. Neighborhoodchildren, dogs and cats will remain outside of your garden if youerect a wall around it.Walls add structure and style to gardens. You do not need anyexperience whatsoever to construct your own wall, but you do needto have a strong back. If you live in a city you may want to checkwith your local building inspector to see if your town has buildingcodes you must adhere to before going ahead with theconstruction.Choosing the right water features for your modern garden designsinvolves a lot more than simply the aesthetic flavor. Wallfountains are becoming increasingly popular as a staple feature ofentryways, patios, decks and lobbies not to mention extraordinarilypopular in gardens and yards. Take your time to choose the rightone that fits what you are looking for. A good way to do this is tosimply look at pictures from a printed catalog or high qualityonline retailer, close your eyes, and visualize how the fountainwould look in your garden.Choosing Wall FountainsBefore you start off on your quest for the right wall fountains foryour modern garden, you need to consider where in your garden yourfountain is going to be placed. Do you plan to put it along a stoneor brick wall in the back of your garden, or closer to the frontwhere it will have more visibility? Where you decide to place yourwater feature will help you determine what type of fountain topurchase. Some people buy their fountain of preference first, butoften bring it home to find out that it does not coordinate withtheir modern garden design, or that it does not fit where theythought it might. This is why you should examine the space that youhave long before you consider what type to purchase.Themed Wall FountainsWhat is the current theme of your modern garden? Modern gardendesigns can take on a number of different themes. Modern wallfountains with Zen themes, for example, may not blend in well withclassic marble and statuary filled gardens that have more of anancient Roman theme.
Garden Play Area Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
You need not have the biggest backyard in theneighborhood to create the best outdoor play area for your kids andtheir friends. Children aren't fascinated by fancy things. A childonly needs something simple and fun such as a sandbox or a ropeswing to be happy. All you need is a little planning, a littleeffort and a lot of creativity.You just need to make sure that the play area is safe and securefor your kids. Next on the list of priorities is that it shouldboost physical growth, motor skills development and aid imaginationand creativity in children.How do you design an outdoor play area for the little ones? Hereare a few hints for help.Let them get close to nature. Give your kids the opportunity toexplore natural wonders on their own. Include a planter box if youryard lacks space. But if space isn't a constraint, plant trees andlet your little ones take care of them.Build a birdhouse or birdbath to attract winged visitors to yourbackyard. Your kids would soon learn to appreciate nature and itsmagic when they see trees grow, flowers bloom and chicks hatch fromeggs in the bird's nest.Create an opportunity for motor skills development. Your kiddoesn't need to visit the playground to get some exercise. With theincorporation of the right elements, he/she can get it in youryard. And have fun too.Buy a swing, see-saw or some other outdoor toy that would aid yourlittle one's motor skills development. You can also build them. Butit's easier to ensure your baby's safety when you buy ahigh-quality outdoor toy that adheres to the safetyguidelines.Add a little seating area. Whether it's a small, simple structurewith just the posts and roof, or even a canopy made from colorfulsheets, or an elaborate fort complete with slides and ladders,every kid would love to have a playhouse of their own.Include thoughtful accessories such as soft cushions in bright,bold colors and interesting lights and lanterns. Add a play kitchenor a little table and chair set for your little princess to giveher the perfect setup for pretend play.Incorporate a sandbox and a play pool. Kids love to play in thesand. And it's safe too. You can buy a sandbox from a retailer andinstall it in the yard or build it on your own. If your kid'solder, let him/her carry the tools or pieces of wood in a toydumper.Another great addition to the outdoor play area for your little oneis a small, shallow pool. It can be ideal for splashing around. Itcan also double up as the rough ocean on which they sail their toyboats when they play pirates.Boost the creative quotient with the right supplies. A chalkboardwall is a great idea to let the children express their artisticselves. You can also include it as part of the fence that surroundsthe outdoor play area if space is a little short.Involve your kids in the little projects you take up to add to theplay space's attraction. Let them carry small blocks of stone tocreate a roadway for their cars or put together railway tracks fortheir trains. Create tunnels with cut-out PVC pipes.You need not break your back, or your bank, to create an amazingoutdoor play space.Measure out the dimensions of the area. Designate spaces forspecific activities. Chalk out a rough layout with this in mind.Next, make a list of your resources. You don't need to buyeverything new. The old lantern in the attic may become the perfectaccessory for the playhouse. Or, the chipped table can becomecenterpiece for the garden tea-party.A play area that will keep your young children in their own backyard, where you can keep an eye on them, need not be anunattractive one. With good planning it can integrate right intothe rest of your property and provide an area that is easy tomaintain and supervise.Use Your Creativity - Here are some sample ideas that may help youstart thinking of ways to make your children play area an excitingplace to be.
Portable Dog Fence Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
If you are a dog fanatic and you can't seem tocontrol your energetic dog from running around the backyard, youmight consider getting a portable dog fence for his ultimatesafety. You can have all the fun with your dog and allow him totriple his enjoyment at any time of the day while getting secured.His safety and yours must be on top of the priority list. He caneven savor travelling by tagging him along with you for a joy ridewithout having to worry that he might rumble or mess up at the backof your pick-up truck. If he's in the backseat, he doesn't get todistract you as he's enclosed in his movable fence.A portable dog fence is supposed to keep your dog limit hismovements so that no harm awaits him. Your dog is likely to behaveas he enjoys his joy ride with you, thereby keeping you focused onyour driving, instead of him distracting your attention. Dogs arenot to be permitted in moving noisily inside a moving car. In thefirst place, it is illegal and unlikely. Besides, you are puttingyour road safety at risk if you let him go off without fencing himin. The dog run or fence doesn't only secure him in place in thecar but you can also take it wherever you want him near you. Youcan have it by the beach with you as you sunbathe or perhaps puthim at the yard while you cut the grass.Your dog has tendencies of getting overactive and unstoppablycurious. This means he will like to stroll around. That should be aconcern because he might let loose of his inhibitions to cross theroads which might endanger him. Also, when you're camping into thewild, your dog must be kept off danger from wild animal invasion byenclosing him in a portable dog fence. A fence with electricwireless fence is seen to be more secured by a few dog owners. Thistype of fence is perfect when you want to take your dog along forlong trips. Those who don't opt to put up an ordinary fence and gothrough the hassle of putting up a wire system below the groundwould prefer an electric type of fence as well.A standard electric portable dog fence comprises a transmitter plusa collar with built-receiver that shall be attached to your dog'sneck. If you desire that your dog can practically stroll around alarger space, you can secure more than one transmitter. In thiscase, you're allowing your dog to trot securely from one spot toanother. Before purchasing the best fence type, you must hear outwhat the manufacturer and the experts have to say.As the owner of a dog, you'll need to ensure that your pet is assafe as possible at all times. If you have a large yard outsideyour home then you need to ensure that your pet stays within itsperimeter or else you will always worry when you let it out toplay. A wireless dog fence is great way to ensure that your dogstays within a certain area without you having to physicallymonitor its movements. An actual fence can be quite expensive tobuild and it still will not necessarily keep the dog inside theproperty if there are well-placed gaps in it.An electronic dog fence is a device placed in your property thatcommunicates with the dog's collar in order to indicate to theanimal that it has crossed the boundary. The dog generally receiveda very mild electric shock when it crosses the perimeter of thevirtual fence and this signals to it that it has done somethingwrong. You'll have to spend some time to train your dog how torespond to the signal from the collar, after which you can use thedog fence quite easily. Once your dog is trained, you can set thecollar to emit a sound to warn the dog that it has gone toofar.Use the following tips to buy the right kind of dog fence:1. If you move around with your dogs a lot, to houses of friends orfamily members for instance, you should buy a wireless fence with abase station that doesn't have to be buried in the ground. Thisportable device is very convenient to use but it also costs morethan devices that have to be buried.
Garden Arbours Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
An arbour is a great place to sit back, relaxand enjoy your garden. This article looks arbours in moredetail.They have become increasingly popular in recent years and everygardener should consider acquiring one of these wonderful gardenstructures. A perfect place to relax and enjoy the fruits of yourlabour.What is an Arbour?The definition of the word 'Arbour' or 'Arbor' is a framework thatsupports climbing plants, thereby providing a shady resting place.These structures have developed from plain plant supports intogarden features. In some cases they can be described as minigazebos since the roofed arbours are also garden shelters designedfor sheltering from the sun. Although our summers are sounpredictable that sheltering from the rain should perhaps beincluded in the description!Arbors and pergolas are two varieties of garden components whichcould significantly give a boost to the entire design of yourgarden. Arbors and pergolas create an element of interest andcuriosity to a garden or yard by attracting a person vision upward.Use these structures to enhance the look of your gardendesign.Much like many people, you might be wondering what the differenceis between an arbor and a pergola.An arbor typically has a smaller framework with a curved top,commonly standing 6 1/2 to 9 feet high at the summit. Arbors arefrequently set over walkways or even over a fence gate.A pergola features a flat top that is perpendicular to the sideframe it sits on. You will find pergolas in many different sizesdepending on its utility. Cover a pathway or the whole deck orpatio or even your spa area.Arbors and pergolas may be either practical or simplydecorative.Pergolas are designed to cast precious shade on your garden seatingarea. Remember they are not designed to keep the rain or snowaway.Arbors and pergolas using latter sides and provide a greatsupporting framework for climbing flowers, plants, or vines. Takeinto consideration planting several climbers like clematis,honeysuckle, or trumpet vine at the base of your arbors orpergolas. They are such a delight for the eyes and they create anincredible flowered focus in your garden.Arbors and pergolas are generally found in three differentmaterials:1. Wood: typically by far the most economical choice although itdoes not last as long as metal or vinyl fabric. A number of worriesusing wooden constructions involve rotting, splintering, and decayof the wood caused by weather elements or wood insects. Despitethese concerns, I tend to like wooden pergolas or arbors the mostbecause of their natural look. You also have the possibility tochange the paint color or stain to easily alter the appearance ofarbors and pergolas in the future.2. Vinyl: is a great option since it is maintenance free, resistantto rotting and decaying and will last longer than wood. On theother hand, it is more expensive than wood and you are stuck withone color for a long time. If you choose this option, make sure thevinyl material is UV resistant and that it will not fade ordiscolor when exposed to weather elements, particularly thesun.3. Metal: is another good and long lasting material used in arborsand pergolas construction. Aluminum is the best choice amongmetals. It is a rust free metal that is lightweight yet verystrong. Remember that iron and steel will eventually rust.Carefully think about the particular advantages and disadvantagesof each material along with your needs to determine your bestoption.Arbors and pergolas might be built on your own but make sure youget professional plans that will save you time and money. If youprefer to purchase finished models or ready to set updo-it-yourself packages, browse through online specialty stores asthey offer a wider selection of designs than your localstore.
Outdoor Garden String Lights 1.0
Spirit Siphon
Garden string lights are a great way tomakeyour garden look even more beautiful whether it is a vegetableor aflower garden. You have put in a lot of hard work into yourgardenso sitting on a garden bench after a long day of tending itis aperfect way to end the day. At night when the colors of theflowersand trees are covered in darkness; garden string lights aretheperfect way to make your garden beautiful even at night.Ordinary garden string lights are the ones withtheregular-shaped bulbs. They commonly come in white or yellow.Theyalso come in brighter colors like red, green or blue and manyothercolors. You can choose from either steady garden string lightsorthe blinking ones. If you want to use the colored lights, youcaneither use just one color or a combination of severaldifferentcolors. Using different colors of garden string lightswill add afestive mood to your garden.They also come in special shapes related to the gardentheme.There are some that are shaped as butterflies, birds,dragonfliesand other creatures from nature. If you want to lightyourvegetable garden with them then you can use those that areshapedlike vegetables. Vegetable-shaped string lights come indifferentshapes like a tomato, eggplant, onion and so many othervegetables.There are also styles that are shaped like fruits. Ifyou have anapple tree in your garden then you can use apple-shapedgardenstring lights to hang on the tree's branches. They will looklikeglowing apples among the real apples when they are turned onatnight.A Cozy SettingNothing beats the feeling that you feel as you sit in thegardenthat you have worked so hard on. This will give you thechance tosit back and appreciate the product of your hard work.With the useof these kinds of lights, you can make your gardensitting arealook more inviting. With the warm glow coming from thegardenstring lights, it is the perfect place to unwind and relaxafter atiring day at work or doing chores around the house. Thesoft lightgives you a warm feeling inside that melts away yourfatigue andstress.Outdoor string lights are not a Christmas-only type oflight.These are landscaping options that can increase theattractivenessand value of a home. The judicious location of lightsalongpathways can make them more elegant and safe. Lightingcanilluminate gardens and trees and make the back yard brighterandmore decorative. Some homeowners use these lights to outlineyards,entertaining areas of the patio and provide extra lightingarounddarker corners of the house. The proper use of lighting addsnotonly beauty, but also safety of your home. Homeownersarediscovering that there are multiple kinds of these stringlightsthat can help them design particularly effective lightingresultsfor the home.String lights do not require outlets or messy wiring inmanycases. There are lighting systems that run on batteries orevensolar power, making them totally independent. Of course, ifoutletsand electrical wiring is available, they can be connected tothehome's electrical system. Solar lights not only helptheenvironment, they can save considerably on the electric billandare safe around pools, where electric current is a hazard.Theimproved solar technology has created solar outdoor stringlightingthat can stay lit all night long. Outdoor patio stringlights couldbe twinkling, decorative lights, perfect for areasoutside whereyou like to entertain. These twinkling lights madewithincandescent bulbs are a particularly festive way to light upaback yard area. If you need steadier lighting, string lightingcanusually be purchased or adjusted to achieve that effect.Lightingcan be multi-colored and create various shapes and amountsoflighting. If electric lighting is used, keep in mindthatincandescent bulbs left to burn all night will burn through alotof energy.
Garden Paper Lanterns Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Paper lanterns look very elegant and charming.They bring about an amazing and trendy look. The lantern has alwaysfascinated us with their distinct and soothing glow. They set inthe mood for any occasion, with their warm light. Lanterns verygood means of eliminating stress and tension and would make youfeel in a dream world their incredible soothing effect.They look very exquisite and posh but are very affordable andreasonably priced. You would find an amazing variety of options invarying designs and patterns. A multitude of shades are available,each of which has a wonderful look. If you have a taste for worksof art, you can consider buying ones which are hand painted inattractive designs.These wonderful pieces of art can be used for decorating bothwithin the house and the exteriors. If you are hosting a party or adinner occasion, paper lanterns would be a great way to decoratethe place. They would look royal and grand and you would have toshell out a very reasonable amount to buy them. Wedding halls arealso decorated with such lanterns these days. Red shade lanternswould look perfect for a wedding occasion, with red signifying thecolor of love. Christmas trees can also be decorated and adornedwith these wonderful pieces of art. White color lanterns lookamazing on a Christmas tree.A series of such paper lanterns can be placed in gardens and lawns.You also get themes available, which can be conveyed when put up asa series of lanterns. It is also believed that they eliminate allthe negative energies and bring in good and positive vibes withinthe house. Red lanterns are considered to be very auspicious.You however need to keep certain aspects in mind from the safetypoint of view. Do ensure that you keep them out of reach ofchildren. If you have kids around the place, it would be preferableto hang them up and beyond their reach. Fire can have manyhazardous and dangerous consequences and children ought to be madeaware of their perils.Considering the innumerable variety available, it would be a goodidea to do some online research to have an understanding of thebroad range. They come in different sizes and it would be a goodidea to buy them in varying sizes. Use your creativity skills andpick the right combination and mix of such lanterns. They areavailable in numerous designs and shades. You can get amazing andelegant ones priced very reasonably.Whether you want lights to decorate parts of your home during anevent, or you want lights for your garden or swimming pool, youhave to be ready to invest a good deal of time and money. Eachlight costs quite a bit, and you also need to consider the costs oflaying electric wires. If you choose to use different coloredlights, the cost of setting up the lights can escalate. On theother hand, you can get great lighting effect by using white orcolor paper lanterns. And it will not burn a hole in yourpocket.Lanterns as Decorative LightsColor and white paper lanterns have been used by Asian culturessince ages. People in China, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam make suchlanterns during particular festivals. The smooth, soft glow of thelights from these lanterns creates the right ambiance forcelebration. Different types of lanterns are used during differentfestivals. Shops entrances are decorated with one kind of lanternwhile different kinds of lanterns light up the inside of theshops.You must have seen art stores and restaurants using lanterns madefrom paper as lights. The light that passes through a white orcolor paper is not too bright, and it is perfect for you if youwant lights that are not too bright. While the white ones areexcellent as lights for rooms, hallways or entrances, color paperlanterns are ideal when it comes to decorating parties, patios andpools.
Garden Bridges Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
The use of a small garden bridge is actually adesign that dates back to ancient China and Japan. With the righttouch, it brings out the beauty of any garden, small and largealike. It used to be called by many other names such as ornamentalbridge, foot bridge, landscape bridge, oriental bridge, pond bridgeand Japanese bridge. The use of small bridges in garden can also beseen in modern hotels and shopping malls around the world.Redwood bridges are actually small and arched structures than spansfrom 4 feet to 20 feet and are about 3 feet wide. The arched designis considered more elegant than the flat bridge. It looks splendidabove a small pond in a miniature garden or garden landscapes. Thedesigns of these decorative bridges have evolved throughout theages and you can now choose from a wide variety of designs. Somelandscape companies offer customization depending on the preferenceof its clients. The hand rails or side rails make these bridgeslook more beautiful. Hand rails come in varieties as well, may itbe for protection for kids or purely for decoration. Some handrails are heavily designed with ornaments while other rails havelights on both ends to make it look more elegant at night.Redwood bridges are commonly used in elaborate landscaping projectsbut it is now being used by many homeowners for their small garden,over their small pond, over a rough or terrain on their lawn orgardens and simply give a new look to any property. Today, archedbridges can easily be seen being sold in many garden fairs, gardencenters, and home and garden improvement stores. Most are alreadyassembled but require assembly. You can also talk to landscapeexperts and they can construct a unique garden bridge for yourgarden.It is easy to choose the perfect foot bridge for your garden. Allyou need is a little planning or you can hire a landscape expert ifyou have the money for it or if you are totally busy with otherthings. Make sure that you are using the right kind of wood thatwas treated correctly so your garden bridge can endure the beatingof time and weather. Most durable bridges are constructed of teak,cedar, spruce, pressure treated pine or the most commonly usedredwood planks and posts. You can also make use of wood and steelcombination's to make your garden bridge sturdier. There are alsoready-made bridges that are made from wood and decorative stainlesssteel braces. When buying a garden bridge, make sure that thefastening hardware is deeply galvanized such as washers, screws andbolts and nuts to ensure the safety of your arched bridge.Either buying a Do-It-Yourself garden bridge or having a landscapeexpert to do it for you, a garden bridge will definitely add beautyand charm to your garden. So what are you waiting for? It is timeto re-decorate!There are a lot of benefits that come with having a garden bridgeat your own home. Garden bridges have been preferred by homeownerswho wish to add a unique sense of vogue to their gardenlandscaping, and can surely turn a tiny unattractive garden to anattention-grabbing asset of the house. It will serve as a usefulornament when used along with Koi, or fish ponds. So if you areconsidering having your very own garden bridge, then there are sometips and guidelines that you should keep in mind.The first thing you should consider is your garden area. While thistype of bridge is sure to add fashion and magnificence to any home,you should not just place it anywhere. It is ideal to survey yourgarden space and select an area that you wish to highlight. Abridge for your garden can easily draw notice, so it should not beplaced where it is camouflaged. It can act as the center of yourgarden or be creatively placed in the corner of your gardenlot.The scale, more specifically the length of the bridge, should alsobe well thought of.
Sliding Glass Door Kitchen 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Sliding doors are certainly one of thewonderful additions towards a person's house. When placed in theideal locations on the property, it will certainly supply theadvantage and design that you require. The Moving or sliding doorshad been available in a wide range of styles and designs, but eachone will certainly offer the functional factors that it wascreated. This type of door supplies design and beauty and alsoprotection, toughness, and when utilized outdoors, energyeffectiveness.Different AdvantagesThere are numerous kinds and dimensions offered with the glassentryway. And the bigger ones have the tendency to bring a flood ofnatural light into homes. The larger the item is the much better ithas on its welcoming sight. This is due to the fact that itminimizes a few of the energy costs and generally makes the housefeel much more welcoming. One benefit of it taken intoconsideration is it's an Eco-friendly improvement towards theasset. It also includes the value of the house making it moreimportant to have and use.Besides its conserving material for power costs, it is additionallya great way to permit bigger furniture's to move in and out of theresidence. This is absolutely handy to help lower the initiative ofthe individual. With the typical dimension concerning twice as bigas regular entryways, moving glass doors make it easier forresidents to move beds, couches, hutches, and other sizable piecesof furniture's. An added benefit that it has is that it's an areasafer. This is because of the fact that swinging doors need morearea in the opening process.An individual could effortlessly notice that sliding entryways areoften positioned in kitchens and rooms that lead towards thebackyard or outdoor patio area of a residence. One of the majorreasons contractors recommends it to be positioned in theselocations is due to the high quantity of human traffic in theselocations that is often encountered. Moving doors open a lot moreswiftly and conserves more space unlike swinging entryways. This issince the door regresses into a slot, which gives more room forpeople to relocate through in or out of the room.Adding BeautyOne of the most useful aspects with sliding glass doors is thatindividuals could customize this entryway to match the remainder ofthe location. The panels are hassle-free and move conveniently onhidden tracks; nevertheless the owner could customize the finishedproject to make it more efficient and enticing for the propertyowner. Using items like mirrors, lacquered glass, beautiful woodgrains or a combination of the three is additionally suitable forthis item. The selection is with the owner, and the individual willcertainly be assured to adore how it alters the feel of the entireroom.When we moved into our "new" home a number of years ago, we hatedthe heavy, oversized drapery that was hanging over the slidingdoor. It was too wide, too long, and so thick that we didn't getmuch badly-needed light in our kitchen. We really didn't think wecould afford a new window treatment, so we tried getting theexisting drapery dry cleaned and cut down to size. Unfortunately,when the fabric was being dry cleaned, it literally fell to pieces.So, we were faced with finding a new sliding glass door windowtreatment after all. Our dilemma, in addition to financialconcerns, was what kind of window covering would be best, and backthen there wasn't a lot to choose from.It's hard to know what kind of window treatment to put on a slidingglass door. We wanted something that wouldn't take up a lot of roomwhen it was opened, and something that would allow a lot of lightto come in. Therefore, we settled on woven wood shades. They werebeautiful, and they folded up out of the way when not in use.However, it wasn't long before the strings that operated themsnapped under the weight of the blinds, and we found that our newkitten liked to climb them, snagging the fabric all the way.
Garden Tiles Texture Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Paving is available within several areas ofconstruction and is widely used in road maintenance, building workand architecture and also in aspects of domestic construction likedriveways. Paving tiles are a great option for those who want tocustomize and develop an outdoor area, such as a patio or thegarden itself. They are a great choice when wanting to enhance anyhome or garden. They are also becoming popular within the home,with rustic kitchens and unique designs in bathrooms andsuch.Paving tiles are popular for tiling areas of the garden or justadding a unique design element to any garden like stepping stonesor a small path. The improvements that can be made can bring valueand charm to any home. When planning a vibrant and suitable outdoorenvironment, outdoor paving tiles are the ideal choice for flooringbecause they are non-slip, easy to clean and easy to maintain.What's more for those people who aren't so green fingered choosingthis option reduces the need for regular weeding and mowing thelawn.If you are looking at implementing paving tiles you can be asunique as you wish. You can add them to any landscape design youmay want to compliment and also use with ponds or other featureswithin the garden. A natural transition from inside the home to anyoutdoor area is easily achieved by using the same tiles throughoutthe space. For instance, tiles in the same neutral color tone likeSandstone or slate can be used to create a great space and bringthe garden and the home together. It is a great idea forconservatories that open up into the garden. With complimentingpaving tiles indoors and out it can really extend the spaceavailable and look very pleasing at the same time. It is crucial tochoose the right paving tiles to suit you. Choosing tiles with apattern can break up larger areas whereas too much of a patternacross a modest area can make it seem fussy and can make the spaceseem smaller.Paving tiles in general are made from very durable materialscoupled with an exquisite smooth exterior which makes them veryaesthetically pleasing. Some other types are more porous and have arough texture, but it is all about personal preference so itdepends upon your tastes and uses for the tiles. A great quality isthe customization from beginning to end with tiling. Thepossibilities are endless and with so many unique designs, colorsand textures available, you can find a solution for any home andthat suits personal taste as well as being practical.Outdoor tiles are excellent for decorating the garden, the yard orthe exterior of the house. They help create character, enhance thecurrent color and design scheme and complement outside fixtures.Outdoor tiles help create a mood, organize an otherwise clutteredspace and create visual focus, regardless of the size of the area.Tiles can be added for the patio, a portion of the yard or forcertain areas of the garden. When choosing tiles for use outdoors,here are key points to keep in mind:Overall design and impactBe very careful about your choice. Color, size, size of the area tobe covered, overall color and design scheme and texture will allhave an impact on how your final layout will look like. Think ofthe kind of look or theme you want to achieve and list the colorsyou want to use. When you shop, you only view tiles in that colorfamily.You might also want to consider taking a few sample tiles home soyou have some idea how they would look like. Remember that tilesmay not look as good in your patio or garden as they did in thestore, so it pays to extend some effort to ensure that you pick theright ones.
Modern Yard Fencing Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
At it's most basic function, a fence providesa line. It could be a line to mark the edge of your property, itcould be a line of security or it could be for privacy reasons. Buta fence can be beautiful as well as functional.There are many ways to satisfy all these goals and more. Anelectric pet fence can be buried underground, to provide safety foryour pet without even affecting your landscape. Or you could put itabove ground, where it can add to the look of your yard whilekeeping your pet out of the neighbor's backyard.These fences can also help to keep unwanted animals out of youryard. If you're growing a garden, or have smaller pets, this can beimportant.A garden fence is easy to build and doesn't need to cost a lot ofmoney, and it will help to keep those animals from undoing all yourhard work. Setting the fence posts is probably the hardest part ofthis job, but it doesn't have to be difficult.If you're dealing with a larger property, you really only have thesame needs, just on a larger scale. The fence will naturally bemore expensive, since you'll need more materials to build it. Butyou can minimize the cost by using a more cost-effective design.Post and rail, chain link or wire mesh and many other types offences are relatively inexpensive and easy to build.One specific need for fences is to board horses. Fortunately,building a fence to keep horses safe and secure is a simplerproject than many other types.Whatever the reason for your fence, you'll have to choose both amaterial and style for it.Wood fences are traditionally the most popular type, and continueto be popular. The natural look of wood is hard to beat when itcomes to aesthetics. You can build fences from many differentspecies of wood, such as cedar, pine or redwood. And you can choosefrom many different types of treatments, both to give the fence aparticular finish and to help protect it from the elements.Other types of fences include vinyl, which can be made to look verymuch like wood and is both durable and easy to maintain. Compositescan look even more like real wood and in many cases they require nomaintenance at all. Chain link has even come a long way since theold grey metal fences that surrounded school and playgrounds whenwe were kids.While a fence's main purpose is usually practical, the ornamentalaspects need not be neglected. Whether you opt for a contemporarygeometric design or a classic wrought iron fence, it can look goodas well as provide a barrier.Residential yard fencing comes in an often bewildering selection ofsizes, materials and styles, although vinyl is one of the mostwidely used. Properly installed and maintained, it can not onlyprovide privacy and security, but also add value to your property.If you are installing residential yard fencing, there are severalthings to consider - its appearance, durability and the amount ofmaintenance needed.The type of fence you choose will also be influenced by what youintend to primarily use it for. If you are putting one up to keepdeer or other animals out, you may want to choose fencing designedspecifically for that purpose; vinyl will be a better option if youare installing one to provide privacy. And a properly installedwooden fence not only looks great, but invokes a rustic and countryfeel and will almost certainly add value to any property.You should also take into account any local rules and regulationswhen putting up a residential yard fence. Some homeowner'sassociations may have rules concerning the size, type and location;some homeowner's associations are stricter than others and don'tallow them in a front yard or dog runs. You may also have to adhereto local building guidelines; for example one enclosing a pool mayhave to follow applicable distance and height regulations.
Outdoor Garden Path Lights 1.1
Spirit Siphon
One of the best uses for landscape lighting onany property is as outdoor path lights. You don't even have to havea massive garden or winding paths to make use of these lights,nearly every home has enough space to make use of them. Path lightscan be used on driveways, steps, and even paths around your housethat lead to your decks and patios. Here are some of the besetfixtures that you can use for lighting the paths around yourhome.By far the easiest and most popular way of lighting paths is byusing mushroom or tiered lights. These lights are easy to install,usually solar powered, and put the light right where you want it.Mushroom lights get their name from their shape, they resemble amushroom with a cap on it. The light is placed beneath the cap andthe cap makes sure that the light gets reflected back down at theground where you want it. Not only that, the cap gives adequatespace to place a solar panel so most of these lights are solarpowered and all that you need to do to install them is stake theminto the ground and forget about them. They work great on drivewaysor any path around your property.Recessed up lights are another great fixture to use in lightingpaths. These lights are buried into the ground and cast theirlights straight up into the sky. They require a little bit ofinstallation and should be used sparingly, but when you do usethem, the effects can be amazing. They are great for step lightingand lights the sides of your decks and patios.Closely related to recessed up lights are recessed side lights.These lights are small low-voltage lights as well recessed into theareas around your paths, but they are mounted to the side of thepath. They are usually best used for lighting stairs where you caneasily place the lights in the areas to the left and right ofthem.The final type of light fixture that works great for path lightingis a small spotlight. Installing a small spotlight to the side ofyour paths and casting the light sideways across the path providesample light for the path while still keeping the entire area in adegree of darkness. These lights work best in areas where you havelonger paths that are surrounded by vegetation or other structures.This allows you to camouflage the lights into your landscape whichincreases the effect.The general belief is that the home is the safest place forchildren. Of course, our kids will not get preyed upon by childmolesters and other criminal elements if they stay home. But a homecan represent a hazard to young children if proper precautions arenot taken into consideration.A study by Phelan, Khoury, Kalkwarf, and Lanphear that waspublished in Public Health Reports in 2005 found out that the"predominant location of injury for U.S. children is the home."About 4.01 million ED visits and more than 70,000 hospitalizationsa year result from residential child injury.As a homeowner and a parent, you should take the necessaryprecaution to minimize the occurrence of accidents in yourresidence. Tripping accidents are by far the most common one thatchildren are most prone to. And most of the time, children gettripped when walking in a dark and unlighted path.Health is far more important than anything else in this world for aparent. Do not let your kid suffer an injury. Install outdoor pathlighting and optimize the safety of your loved ones.But do not just go for the first type of outdoor path lighting thatyou see online. You will not gain a thing if you will rush yourshopping for outdoor lighting. You need to consider your needsbefore you click that button to order. Be a wise online shopper.Consider all available options for you online. In that way, youwill get the perfect path lighting for your house.Perhaps one of the most common outdoor path lighting fixtures soldin the market today is the incandescent type.
Aluminium Patio Door Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Bi folding-sliding door frames are typicallymade from timber, PVC (Unplasticized PolyVinyl Chloride) orAluminium.Bifolds that have been designed and developed using resilientaluminium have the benefits of greater strength and thereforesuitability for use for openings up to 7 metres. The strength ofthe material enables the frames to be of slimmer design than withother materials, meaning that the greater amount of glassfacilitates a better view and more light, and, by the samereasoning, the profiles (the depth of the glazed door unit) can benarrower so that the doors occupy less space when opened andstacked to the side of the aperture.The aluminium is technique thermally broken, which means that theinternal and external components of each bifolding door frame has athermal division to ensure that the inside and outside of theframes do not touch and therefore do not conduct heat or cold fromone surface to the other, keeping the temperatures inside andoutside completely separate.With aluminium, your view is through the glass, not at theframework. Because of its strength, aluminium is used to create theslimmest of bifolding door frames: a narrow profile plus a viewthrough more glass. Wooden and pvc frames, even re-enforced withmetal for additional strength, are wider.Aluminium is also less prone to damage than timber or plastic. Itwill not require annual maintenance, as timber may do, especiallyif exposed to full sun. When aluminium framed doors are opened orclosed, they do not tend to stick in the heat (like PVC) nor in thewet (like timber) and, unlike the cheaper do-it-yourself plasticbifolds or french doors, they feel firm and permanent.The aluminium frames are powder-coated in a choice ofindustry-standard RAL colours. The finished bifolds, whether white,sepia, green, silver, graphite, etc., are virtuallymaintenance-free - perhaps requiring a wipe down with a damp clothnow and then. No painting or varnishing - ever.Some bi folding door systems have a low threshold which isparticularly useful when installed as a room divider or doorway tothe conservatory but also for ease of access with patio doors whenit is coupled with a low sill.Traditional or modern? Classic or contemporary? Varying tastes anddifferent architectures throughout the years, as well asinnovations and enhanced lifestyles, have given rise to the widechoice in patio door variations currently available in Britain.This article aims to describe the types of patio doors - theirstyles and functionality, similarities and differences, togetherwith some of their main advantages and popular options - in orderto provide readers with an informative guide.Styles - French doors, sliding panels: retractable: folding doors,slide-and-pivot doors.The latest patio doors innovation is slide-and-pivot doors.Developed and launched since 2007/8, slide-and-pivot doorsincorporate the major benefits of bifolding doors and sliding patiodoors. Comprising a number of individual glazed panels that fitsnugly together when closed, there is a 'master' door that can beopened with a standard (pivot) action, enabling the other doors tobe moved, individually, along the top and bottom guides; as eachdoor is moved to the end of the guides, it can also pivot open toincrease the access width between the divided areas ( to asuggested maximum of approximately 8 metres).Because slide-and-pivot doors have no hinges, there is norequirement for a sturdy side frame; its only purpose is to coverthe gasket that seals the double glazed unit. This means that theviews afforded through the expanse of patio doors have minimalinterruptions.
Privacy Fence Panels Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
If you are in need of some privacy, whether itbe in your backyard, driveway, swimming pool area, deck, or reallyany other spot on your property, privacy fence panels are a greatalternative.Bushes and trees may take months to years to grow to a size wherethey can actually offer any type of decent privacy. But privacyfencing can be put up quickly in an afternoon and enjoyedimmediately. No longer will you have nosey neighbors watching youbarbeque your hotdogs. And people walking down the sidewalk willnot be able to steal peaks as you do a cannonball off your divingboard into your swimming pool. With fence, you will have theprivacy you desire in no time.Privacy fence panels come in a multitude of different materials.Aluminum, wood, lattice, and vinyl are all very popular kinds offencing material. The first step is to decide how tall you wantyour fence to be. The standard height for a wood fence is usuallyeight or ten feet. However you can easily design a fence of anyheight to fit your needs. Then pick a material, measure how muchyou will need, and install it accordingly. Then sit back and enjoythe privacy your new fence has afforded you.There are many do it yourself books and internet sites that can bevery useful in helping you install a fence with little or no help.Ehow.com, buzzle.com, and hammerzone.com all give you expert andeasy to follow advice and instructions on building your own fence.Your local library also carries books that you can take home anduse as you guide.So whatever your needs may be, consider privacy fence panels as away to obtain the privacy you deserve. Quick and easy to install,attractive privacy fencing will add value and enjoyment to youroutdoor living for years to come.The main reason to install a privacy fence is to end up with anarea where you can go and get away from the hustle bustle of youreveryday life. But if you decide to install privacy fencing you cancount on getting a lot more than that. If you do it up right, yourprivacy fence will provide security and at the same time enhancethe overall appearance of your yard.Traditionally, fences have been used to act as a boundary betweenpieces of property. They have served to keep unwanted visitors outand help keep children safely encircled while playing. In today'sworld, if anything, this is even more important.Without some kind of fence, we worry more than a little about ourkids running out into the street, getting chased by a stray dog, orbeing watched by a stranger. Practically any kind of fence willwork to some degree. But if we have a privacy fence we worry lessbecause we know our kids are playing in a more securesetting.You'll find that your pet is safer if you have a privacy fence thanwith a regular fence. A larger animal won't be able to jump thefence because it is that much higher than a regular fence. And yourpet won't find it easy to dig his way out if you sink the bottom ofyour fence into the ground.One of the best parts of a privacy fence is well, the privacy. Ifyou just want to relax in your backyard but don't want yourneighbors to think you are anti-social, with a privacy fence theywon't even know you are outside.Your choice of fence material will largely determine the appearanceyou will achieve. It's best to go with a more solid type ofmaterial if you want a true privacy fence.For a traditional look, many homeowners go with wooden fencepanels. Vinyl fence panels, although more costly, provide the samelook as wood with less upkeep. To get a more ornate look, wroughtiron fencing may be used, especially in areas with bushes orevergreens serving as a visual barrier.Others choose bamboo fencing. One advantage of using bamboo is thatit can be used over an existing fence or with other materials as anaccent. Bamboo fencing is rustic in appearance.
Natural Garden Walls Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
good fences make good neighbors but a stonewall also creates a glorious landscape. The stone wall may wellhave been the very first fence. Even though wooden and metalbarriers are popular building materials, nothing can really replacethe beauty of an old fashion stone barrier.Of course not all stone walls are old fashion! Today stone masonsuse a wide variety of natural and manmade materials so you canorder a nostalgic garden wall or a contemporary brick one that willblend with your other landscape features. Let's take a look at someof the materials now available for building your own stonefence.The traditional garden wall used natural stones which were usuallyfound around the area. Since rock is very heavy, walls are stillcommonly constructed from material which is readily available inthe area. If you opt to use stones which must be shipped a longdistance, you could easily end up paying three to four timesmore.Natural stone is divided into three categories.· Igneous rock - granite and traprock· Sedimentary rock - sandstone and limestone· Metamorphic rock - marble, slate, schist, gneiss, andquartziteIt's not just the color or variety of rock which determines thelook and style of the wall, but also it's shape. Natural stone isavailable in three different formats. The shape of the stone oftendefines the style of the wall.· Natural shape - Each stone can be stacked and mortared togetherin their natural shape. This can be done with very large rocks,smaller stones and even pebbles.· Flagstone - This type of stone gets its shape from naturalbreaks. They are often flat slabs or pieces of varied shapes andsizes.· Cut bricks or blocks - Natural stone can also be cut into uniformshapes. This is popular with more contemporary designs.Natural stone is also graded by the fineness of its grain. Thegrade does affect the cost of the stone; however the grain alsoaffects the stone's appearance which defines the overall look ofthe stone wall.· Statuary - top quality and are used high end projects· Select· Standard - used in some stone walls· Rustic - used in garden wallsFinally stone is also classified by its surface.· Gang sawed - This treatment achieves a moderately smoothsurface.· Shot sawed - You'll be able to feel as well as see someroughness.· Machined - This surface is smooth, but you be able to see sometexture.· Machined tooled - You can design the surface with two to tengrooves per inch, however this can get expensive.Of course, not all garden walls need to be built with naturalstones; many charming barriers are made of manmade structural clayproducts.· Brick - The little red brick wall may be the most popular of thisstyle, but bricks come in many colors. Don't forget to look at thesurface; each surface affects the overall look.o Ruggs Face - These bricks look like corduroy with a ridgedsurface.o Smooth Face - This has a smooth, almost shinny surface.o Matt Face - Textured surfaceo Sand Mold Face - This is best described as a sand papersurface.· Structural clay Tile· Architectural Terra Cotta - You'll find a wider range of colors,veneers, and shapes with terra cotta than traditional bricks. Checkout ornamental shapes for a fun new approach to the stonefence.Remember, stone fences last a very long time and make a lastingimpression on any one who sees them. Look for stone masons whichspecialize in stone walls.To have a beautiful garden is like having a piece of heavensurrounding you all day. It gives us so much pleasure and space torelax and ponder our life. Garden walling can enhance such a gardeneven more. Let's have a look at some of your options.You need to first ask yourself whey exactly you want to wall yourgarden? Is it to give more privacy to you and your family? Do youhave problems with burglaries? These factors will greatly influencethe type and design of walling you choose.
Garden Playground Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
The garden is not only a place, where theadults can relax; it is usually also a playing ground for thelittle ones. So the idea of providing the young ones with a specialplace in the garden, where they will use up their energy and playsafe, is maybe a very good one. However, you should be aware thatthe kids should not be restricted from the other part of thegarden, because this way you will restrict them from the contactwith the other members of the family.You will ask where is the most suitable place in the garden tosituate the playground for the children. Well, certainly not nearthe entrance of the garden, it will result from one side a sense ofuntidiness and from other side it won't be the safest place,because the kids could easily ran out to the street. It isrecommended that the place you choose for the children's playgroundshould be comfortable for observation. A good solution could be aplayground in the back yard with a direct view at it from a windowor a terrace of the house. The specialists say that it is good tobe close to the walking path, but not directly on it, so thepassing people won't disturb the play of the kids.Another important thing when we talk about children's furniture inthe garden is that, the place should be sheltered from north viafence, or the walls of the house, or with denser vegetation. Thisaims to stop the cold air drafts. On south and east should besituated few deciduous trees, that will shelter the kids with theirshadows from the summer heats. In addition, during the spring andthe autumn, enough sun light will pass through the naked branches,to provide the playground with good conditions for play.The best cover for the kinder playground is the grass, and becauseit will be flooring (that will endure non-stop walking on it), youshould consider grass mixtures for sports fields. The grass willprovide a soft and safe surface for the kids to play on. The sandyplaygrounds are also widely spread, and usually they are built withconcrete bars, which you will need to make safer for the kids. Itcan be done by covering them with softer materials - some sandyplaygrounds have wooden benches on the bars - others are coveredwith car tires. It may not be the best aesthetical look you areaiming at, but after all the most important thing while choosingthe proper furniture for the garden playground is to be safe forthe young ones.Lately, the bark surfaces are gaining popularity in the area of thegarden furnishing. They are soft and there is a great variety ofthem. The negative side is that, with time they begin to rot andhave to be replaced.Today's backyard playgrounds are veritable works of art. Long goneare the days of the metal swing set that flipped up when you swungtoo high. Well-designed playgrounds are cropping up in some of themost beautiful homes in the country. And there are some greatlandscaping ideas that can add beauty to your child friendlybackyard.Give Me ShadeWhen the summer moths hit their peak temperature sun exposure canbecome a real factor in the use of your playground. And as we arenow aware excessive exposure to the sun is one of the mostprominent causes of skin cancer.So how about some landscaping ideas that give some relief from thedirect sunlight. The first idea is to build some form of a steelroof or a canopy that covers part or all of the play structure fromthe most intense portion of day heat. A simple gazebo design oreven a lattice-covered area could serve well.And don't forget that some of the best shade available is providedby nature in the form of grown trees. This is one of the mainreasons you find many playgrounds and parks lined with trees. Treesminimize the exposure of both kids and parents too much sunexposure.
Interior Bedroom Door Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Bedroom doors are what enclose you at nightsafe and secure inside and what takes you out in to light and theworld around you in the morning. Obviously, you would want to addan extra touch to the door, especially since bedrooms symbolizeromance and love if you are in a relationship and security andprotection if you are single.Whether you are a person who consider your bedroom just a place torest and sleep or for whom bedroom is a place that holds unlimitedpossibilities of dreams and day dreams, what you need in common isa strong door to keep you safe and private. While installingbedroom doors there are a few factors that you need to keep inmind.First and foremost, the door has to be strong and of durablematerial. Doors come in steel, wood, vinyl, glass, plastic, etc.Consider the environment before buying the door. Similarly, try tofind the material with which the remaining furniture in your houseis made of.Bedroom doors come in all different patterns and colors. You couldget the door in the color of bedroom walls to match or go for thewooden one which would go with all colors. Or, if you are carefulabout money you could go for plastic doors and paint it with woodcolors of different shades like cider pear, cherry, light oak ormaple.While deciding on the look of the door also you need to checkwhether you need the modern or contemporary look. Accordingly, youneed to select the door handles and latches. Traditional handlesand latches might be a little more ornamental than the modern ones.You could check out the bedroom doors of some of your friends alsobefore purchasing one. Checking out some magazines on interiors andhome decors and browsing websites on the same topic also would helpyou take an informed decision.A beautiful bedroom adequately decorated can make your day. Bedroomdoor is also a part of the bedroom decor. Make a good choice inbedroom doors and enjoy a good bedroom.Having the home that you want to have means buying all of the rightthings. This way you can get the look that you want whether you arelooking for something contemporary or something which will matchthe rustic furniture you have. Of course, just because you are inthe market for new bedroom sliding doors, it does not mean you wantto pay a lot. The good news is that you will not have to pay a lotas long as you know what you are doing. You will be able to get thelook that you want while still saving money in the process.One of the best ways to save money is to make sure that you arebuying a reclaimed sliding door wardrobe. You can also choose toinstall a bedroom door which is on sale from a company you trust.This way you will be able to get the door that you want that isbuilt to last. You will also be able to make sure that you aregetting the price that you want to pay whether you are buyingdirect form the suppliers or you are choosing the models which areon sale. This way, you will be able to get the look you are goingfor at the price you can afford.Buying Reclaimed DoorsThere is a big trend to install doors which have been reclaimedfrom things like barns and more. These doors have the ability tosave you money because you will not have to worry about buyingsomething which will not last a long time. These sliding wood doorshave the ability to last you as long as you would like for them tolast you. They can be the perfect complement to the look that youare going for with your home's interiors.Buying Doors on SaleThose looking to save a lot of money might think about buying thebedroom sliding doors which are on sale. This can include the doorswhich have a mirror on them as well as the doors which are in highfashion. While you might have to deal with an older model, you willenjoy some of the most popular models of doors while still beingable to save a lot of money in the process. These great lookingdoors can be your secret because they will still look great nomatter what.
Modern Exterior Door Texture 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Choosing a door comes down to balancingaesthetics, energy efficiency and function with cost.As a major contributor to curb appeal, exterior doors commandattention. But as much as exterior doors are about style, they arealso about function, providing light, ventilation, insulation,security and protection from the elements. Making the right choicein exterior doors requires consideration of all these factors plusthe budget.Materials, size and options in exterior doors will influence theprice. Steel doors are the least expensive, followed by fiberglassand wood. Beyond the purchase cost, weigh the impact of energyefficiency, maintenance costs and tax credits.Homeowners can receive a tax credit for 30% of the cost (excludinginstallation), up to $1,500, if they upgrade a home with a doorthat has a U-factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of lessthan or equal to 0.30.Wood, fiberglass or steel exterior doors?Wood, fiberglass and steel are the most common door materials andeach has its advantages.With its lower cost, low-maintenance characteristics, a galvanizedsteel door is a practical choice. When filled with a polystyrenecore, steel doors are energy star compliant and are available withfire ratings to 90 minutes. Stronger than fiberglass or wood, steeldoors offers the greatest security and can meet the building codesof hurricane-prone areas. On the down side, steel doors show theeffects of wear and tear more than fiberglass or wood doors.Fiberglass doors offer the same energy-saving qualities as steeldoors combined with the look of wood doors. Designs can mimic woodgrain or feature a solid surface suitable for painting.High-quality composite construction makes these doors resistant toall types of weather, as well as to scratches and dents. Accordingto the NAHB Builder Practices Survey, on new single-family homesuse of fiberglass doors has increased from 16% in 2001 to 38% in2007, due to increased acceptance by builders and homeowners.Many homeowners prefer the natural warmth of a well-crafted wooddoor. The substantial weight of a wood door provides a sense ofsecurity, and wood doors are available with fire ratings to 90minutes. They are also suitable for hurricane-prone areas. However,because wood expands and contracts with temperature changes, wooddoors are less energy efficient and require consistent maintenance,including refinishing every two to five years. A wood door does notkeep out heavy rain as well as its fiberglass and steelcounterparts, and it is not recommended for colder climates. Inaddition, unless there is an adequate overhang, a hardwood doorswith a southern, southwestern, southeastern or western exposurewill require frequent maintenance and can undergo rapid finishdeterioration, color fading, splitting, warping, shrinkage, jointseparation, and water penetration between the mouldings, panels,and glass.Choosing optionsSwinging doors are the most popular because they are appropriatefor nearly every application. They can open inward or outward andbe used in single-door or multi-panel configurations. Swingingpatio doors that are hinged on the side and open in the center arecalled French doors.Sliding doors are often chosen for patios, decks and small spaceswhere the door might interfere with traffic flow or use of space.Modern sliding doors offer significant improvements, includingenergy-efficient frames and glazing, multi-point locking mechanismsfor better security and flashing packages that prevent leaks.Advances in glazing such as double and triple glazing, gas-filledglazing and low-e glass make it possible to let in more naturallight and views through exterior doors, while keeping an eye towardenergy savings. However, it is important to balance the cost ofupgraded glazing against expected energy savings.
Steel Security Doors Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
In relation to real estate, 'security' isunderstood to be the process of taking necessary actions to ensurethat one's property is safe and is not susceptible to attacks fromoutsiders, unlawful entry and robbery.Due to the critical and essential nature of security of property,it has become a profitable business. Some aspects that determinethe kind of security system chosen are that of the expensesinvolved, the type of building (housing or business related) andthe dependability of the chosen system.Security systems can be installed by either availing the servicesof a contractor or by oneself. Hardware and home building stores inone's locality generally have a range of products for this purpose.Another source through which you can access items for securitysystems is the internet. Websites on home improvement allow you toselect, understand and evaluate products before purchasingthem.One of the most pertinent questions posed when selecting securitysystems is about the kind of doors (wooden or steel) that wouldprovide maximum security. A suitable answer to this would be thatit depends on the value one places on security.Steel doors have several advantages to them. Due to the nature ofthe material, steel doors provide more security against theft. Aproperly installed steel security door has the capacity towithstand any unwarranted attempts made by outsiders to enter thebuilding. Steel security door can be counted on to give a sense ofprotection and are reliable.A good quality steel security door will have the potential to lastfor several years before it is replaced. Maintenance of steelsecurity doors could be effortless and may extend to repainting itoccasionally.Variety in designs and styles of steel security doors makeinstallation in a commercial or housing set up possible. The typesof steel security doors chosen could reflect the style of thebuyer.Two common finishes available for steel doors are MDF and laminate(transfer printing). Since the MDF finish is composed of acombination of steel and wood elements, it makes the door quiteresilient to the effects of moisture and physical wear andtear.If time or monetary factors are an issue when buying a steelsecurity door, the powder method of installation is effective.Installation is fast and the steel security door is free ofmaintenance. However, these doors do not add to the aestheticappeal of a building and are preferred in basements and otherareas.High quality steel security doors have cold rolled steel sheets inthem. When steel sheets are passed through rollers at lowtemperatures, it causes crystallization. This enhances thedurability and rigidity of the sheets. Since this is a complexprocess, it is not used frequently and doors made using thismaterial are expensive.Some aspects to consider when buying a steel door include usinghinges which are tamper proof, using one way screws (cannotencourage removal from outside), placing a rust resistant steelframe and fixing a lock box which uses a two cylinder and has thefacility of a dead bolt. A perforated screen door (mesh) will allowfor good ventilation and security. It is advisable to ensure thatthe steel security doors come with a warranty policy.What are the benefits of installing a steel door in yourproperty?Installing a heavy duty steel security door in your business orhome has a number of benefits over a traditional wooden or PVCdoor. They are often coated to look like traditional doors, meaningthat to the naked eye, they are no different to a normal PVC door.This is great for those wanting a more low key installation.
Modern Steel Door Design 1.1
Spirit Siphon
Stainless steel doors are used in most modernkitchen cabinetry these days. They add a touch of class andsophistication to the interiors of the kitchen while providing adurable surface that is easy to maintain. The elegance of this typeof steel can be compared with no other material. It is not onlylong-lasting and durable but is a safe investment and relativelymaintenance-free. The highest quality standards are maintainedduring the manufacturing process and the end product iseye-catching. These doors are generally covered with commercialgrade #304 stainless steel and you could also use your choice ofmetallic laminate to further enhance its visual appeal.Homeowners these days prefer to have their entire kitchen done upin quality stainless steel since this gives the residential kitchena high-end commercial look.Steel ProcessingSteel is generally produced and rolled out according to the desiredgauge or thickness. This helps in setting the underlying surface.This steel is then given a brushed finish with the help of sandingbelts. Generally, the brushed finish is vertical and is onlychanged when specified. This is then followed by a vinyl coating inorder to protect the surface. Even if there are slightimperfections, it only adds to the character of the product.Seamless CornersThese cabinet doors and drawer fronts appear almost seamless due tothe technology that is used which involves the process of welding,followed by grinding which helps in smoothening out theedges.Easy CleaningStainless steel is very easy to clean and hence offers a hygienicsolution. It is also very environment friendly.Gauge of SteelThe gauge of the material can range from 20-gauge to16-gauge.CoreThe core is made up of highly stable, yet ultra-light MDF substrateand it is then laminated with either the metallic laminate whichlooks just like steel or with the white or grey laminate. Thishelps while boring for hinges. The general thickness of the door is¾" unless it is specified otherwise.ApplicationThe doors that are made for outdoors come with a weatherproofbacking. For indoor use, it is generally metallic laminate, grey orwhite.RepairsDespite being durable, stainless steel can get scratched or dented.Light scratches can be masked easily by rubbing with a ScotchBright pad.RecommendationsSetting up the entire kitchen in steel gives it a contemporary andstylish look. While ordering for the stainless steel doors, youmust ensure that you specify the area where you intend using them,while placing your order on your order form. You can choose fromthe number of designs that are available. There are also customdoor designs with different finishes that are available. If youcontact the suppliers with your specifications, you can easily getthe most customized solutions for your kitchen. Stainless steeldoors offer a simple and safe alternative to other doors. These arealso ideal from the hygiene point of view.Garage doors differ from entry doors in that function is moreimportant than form. Where wood is the commonest material used toconstruct patio and back doors, metal in the likes of steel andaluminium are preferred for garages. Why's this so? Why can'tgarage doors be made of wood or even vinyl?Unlike entry doors which are small and easy to customize withdecorations and hardware, garage doors need to be heavy and sturdy.Low maintenance is a feature that's prized because homeowners don'twant to spend on repairs every so often. Garage contents are alsoexpensive with cars and bikes figuring into thousands of dollars.If burglars can gain entry with no trouble then the whole point ofplacing vehicles in garages is negated.
Garden Turf Design Ideas 1.1
Spirit Siphon
What is a Garden Turf?Specially grown to the highest of standards; garden turf isluscious, weed-free green grass grown to be used for a variety oflocations including gardens, front lawns, school yards, communityareas and so much more.Garden turf is an excellent way of covering up bare, dirt groundand gaining a beautiful, bright grassy lawn immediately withoutwaiting for seedlings to grow; but it also has many benefits tooffer including being Eco-friendly and Climate savvy!Surprise Benefits of Garden Turf:Did you know that turf actually provides a significant amount ofmuch needed oxygen whilst simultaneously trapping unwanted airpollution? Furthermore, turf has a natural cooling effect evengreater than that which trees provide us with, which is highlybeneficial towards climate control.Dust, smoke, exhaust fumes and other nasty air pollutants are amassive problem for our society today; especially in built-upareas. Turf however captures these unwanted harmful pollutions andfilters them within its soil, making the air significantly saferfor us to breath in!Turf is highly water-retentive and is excellent at erosion control.Without turf, the impact of heavy rainfalls would ruin masses ofvaluable, fertile soil. Turf cleverly filters and cleans the waterit comes into contact with, allowing it to gently trickle awaywithout causing any major damage.In such a highly urbanised world that we live in, turf provides uswith the perfect excuse to get-back-to nature and enjoy theoutdoors. Green, grassy ground naturally invites people to sit downand relax in public areas, or even play games. Its softness meansthat it is much safer for children to play sports on as they areless likely to become injured if they fall on turf than they are ifthey fall over on concrete.Turf is a natural sound-proofer and can reduce sounds by 8 to 10decibels which is great for blocking out unwanted traffic noise inbusy residential areas.Garden turf can significantly increase the value of your propertyand create a much happy atmosphere within your home. Just thevisual image of lush green ground has a much higher appeal thanconcrete, gravel, pebbles or sand. You and your family will feelmuch more inclined to get outside and enjoy your garden if you aregreeted by a carpet of comfort.Best way to buy Garden Turf:There are a number of ways you can purchase Garden Turf, but buyingonline is probably the easiest, cheapest and quickest way. If youbuy online, you can have your brand new lawn delivered right toyour doorstep the very next day!The surprising benefits of Garden Turf are abundant; so what areyou waiting for? Buy now and enjoy your very own luscious lawntomorrow!There are different types of garden turfs, and understanding thisas well as your gardening needs will help you to choose the bestturf for your lawn or garden. Before looking for a turf, it isimportant to consider where it will be laid. This ground should beprepared well before the turf is purchased and laid on it. Knowingthe type of soil on your garden or lawn will be useful as it willhelp you to choose the best type of turf.The next thing to consider is the type of grass mix that you wouldlike for your lawn or garden. Different types of grass can beblended together to create the perfect turf. These different grasshave varying properties and different advantages. For example, aperson who has children would like grass that the children can playon without damaging the lawn. They will therefore need a familylawn turf as it is very durable and can withstand all theboisterous activity and games from children.When looking for garden turf, it is important for you to considerthe type of soil that the grass is grown on. Turf that is grown onclay or any other water-retentive soil will look very good and lushon the turf site.